Chapter 45

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Cole's POV

"What!? Where are they!?" Gabe asked, we all looked at Dana expectantly but all he did was grin and walk to the door of the house.

"Where are you going?" I asked but all Dana did was unlock the door and go outside.

We looked at each other before I jumped off the couch to follow him. We found him walking down the sidewalk so I stopped him.

"Hey! What kind of thing is possessing you, seriously?" I asked while grasping his shoulder to turn him around. I pointed a thumb towards where Gabe was locking the door of the house. "Wait for like two seconds."

The others caught up less than a minute later and we all quickly followed where Dana was going. I wanted to take my car, I wanna drive. Oh fine, we'll walk. At least we're not somewhere cold like Canada, according to Connie, who I forget to say goodbye to, darn it, it goes up to -50 degrees Celsius where she lives. Nope, wouldn't like that.

After a ton of complaints from both Angela and I, ten playful hits across the back of my head from Gabe, twenty-three questions from David and zero answers from Dana we ended up in front of Todrick's house. Wow, we haven't been here since we got Gabe back and Dana was taken. Nostalgia much, even though that was not even a week ago.

"Why are we here Dana?" Angela asked. "Why are we at my Uncle's?"

"Two reasons, one being that he's one of the only people who know what we can do and two, he works in a police station." Dana explained briefly.

"Uh, ok I get the first reason but I don't get the second reason." David said

"Look, just trust me on this. Can two of you go to the place we put the other two knives in?" Dana asked. Angela and Gabe raised their hands before David and I even got the chance to react to the question.

I get it if I'm being honest. Angela knows Todrick the most personally and doesn't want to see him because of failure, is what I'm guessing. Gabe was technically kept in that house with no way of communicating to the outside world for quite a while so I'm assuming that's why he doesn't want to go either. David and I shrugged because nothing bad really happened to us here. Well ok, David was almost killed and Dana was kidnapped from here. So I'm the only one who didn't really have anything bad happen to me here. But I guess getting a girlfriend here cancels out the kidnapping and David didn't get killed so, yeah. Gabe and Angela have better reasons.

We waited until the two were out of sight before walking up to Todrick's house. Dana lifted his arm and paused, hesitating. I get why he is, I really do. Then he knocked. Nobody answered so Dana knocked again and yelled out.

"Todr-" Dana was stopped mid-word by the door opening to reveal Wilfred.

"Patience." Was all Wilfred said before ushering us inside then walking away.

Todrick came down the stairs and saw Dana, he smiled.

"Hey kiddo, hi David, Cole. What are y'all doing here?" Todrick asked

"You have clearance for stuff regarding the Tommy suicide right?" Dana asked quickly.

"The one that was played on television just a few hours ago? Yes, I do. Why?" Todrick asked, a confused look plastered on his face

"We need the knife, just the knife. We don't need anything else, just the knife." Dana said urgently.

David and I watched the interaction quietly. We have each other short glances because neither of us knew what was going on either.

"The knife? The one he killed himself with? Sure thing, just let me ask Boonquisha, she has clearance given by me and she went to the store a while ago." Todrick said

"When will she be back?" Dana asked

"In less than an hour, fifty minutes tops." Todrick said checking his watch and running back upstairs, pulling his phone out of his pocket on the way.

"Cole, can you see when Gabe and Angela are going to be here?" Dana asked

"Yeah, just give me like, a minute." I said and pulled out my own phone, sending a quick text to Gabe.

He replied about forty seconds later with a short text and a picture of the knives in an opaque bag. I smiled at it, the bag was the same one we used when Dalton, David, Will and I almost got hit by a car. Ah, the memories. David looked over my shoulder at the text and smiled too. Guess he missed Will as much as I missed Dalton. Poor David, new kid stuff would've been hard enough for him and now he has to deal with all this. Will's one of the quieter kids, the good, kind ones, and now he deals with this too.

"Well?" Dana cleared his throat, rudely interrupting my thoughts.

"Well, they got the knives but they ran into Knoche on the way back and he's interrogating them. They'll be back in thirty minutes at the most." I say, reading over the text again and shaking my head at the Knoche part.

He used to be one of my best friends until he joined that school newspaper thing and got annoying. I mean, we're both still good friends but not the best of friends like we used to be. But I do miss those days, the only problems were the ones in our heads. Now, they are reality and very deadly.

"So, I assume you guys want to know what's going on?" Dana asked

"Please and thank you!" David practically squealed, I mean nobody was giving him many answers in the first place so I understand where his desperation is coming from.

"The knives give out a clue to where Will and Dalton are." Dana says, very bluntly.

"So?" I cock up an eyebrow

"So, they have coordinates on the handles." Dana smiles widely.

Oh, that makes sense.

Wait, what?



Hi! Nothing to say right now except almost none of my friend have been online this weekend so yeah.

Until Next Time -CG

The Real Deal (IM5/David Scarzone/Will Jay/Dalton Rapattoni fic)Where stories live. Discover now