Chapter 33

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Cole's POV

Everyone was worried about the other three but we still had to keep going. Once we told what had happened to Connie and James they were shocked at first but we're ready to help us with the knives.

They figured out the identities of both of the woman who were murdered. It actually helped quite a bit. One was a prisoner of the same jail Cody had been at, that Rogue girl. The other was a guard at the exact same jail. It couldn't of been a coincidence. Cody must've turned people who angered him during his time in jail. We had to figure out who this shapeshifter was now.

"What if it's Rebecca?" Dana asked with wide eyes

"It isn't Rebecca, she's still in jail." I point out

"True, true." Angela muttered

"Well maybe it's someone who wasn't in jail? I mean, he helped that dude you told us about." James said

"Maybe it's one of our bullies?" David said. "And he did know who we were even with our masks on."

"None of the people from our school know about it though." Dana says

"Maybe someone found out, I mean it's possible." Connie shrugged, spinning around in one of the spinning chairs in my room

"But who would? And how?" Angela asked

"I don't know. But I'm concerned about the others right now." I said, remembering the other three who hadn't shown up

"Me too. Think they're ok?" David asked

Just then Angela's phone rang. I was going to answer him too. Wow phone, rude much.

"Hello?" Angela answered shrugging to the rest of us

After a long pause and numerous different facial expressions Angela nodded and told whoever on the other line that we'd be right there. She looked worried and was biting her lip when she hung up.

"Who was that?" Connie asked

"Boonquisha. Connie, James? Can you go back to Will's and tell Mr. and Mrs. Behlendorf and Mr. and Mrs. Scarzone that Will and David are staying over at Todrick's?" She said, still looking worried

"Alright, good luck with whatever guys." Connie said and she and her brother left reluctantly

"What's up babe?" Dana asked, concerned

"Gabe, the shapeshifter, they were switched a while ago." She answers

"What!? But that means-" David's sentence trailed off and he looked to me.

I knew what he meant. I wasn't too happy about it either.


"Do you remember anything?" I asked Gabe who was subconsciously rubbing his wrists

"Of course I fucking do Cole, I was tied to a chair without being fucking knocked out. Now what's this knife thing you're talking about?" Ok, he kind of deserves to be an ass I guess. He was tied to a chair for who knows how long.

Dana was the one who explained everything. One of us would add in something he might've missed every couple of minutes but overall he did a great job.

"Hey, where's Will and Dalton?" Gabe asked, once Dana was finished explaining

"Th-they were heading to where the shapeshifter was when we last saw them. We thought it was you." David said and then bit his lip

"Oh, I-I'm sorry." Gabe said, talking to David as much as he was talking to me. Everybody knows that something's going on between them considering David's the closest with Will even though he was the last one to know him.

David's eyes glazed over and he went out of the room for a second, I wanted to go with him because heck, my boyfriend was gone too but I also wanted to stay strong. Will's clever, he proved that when we saved Dana from those bullies a while back and Dalton's a fighter, I should know. I hope they can-

My thoughts were interrupted by the door slamming open. Will was there, panting heavily with tears in his eyes.

"G-guys. T-the shapeshifter pretended t-to be Ga-Gabe a-and he still has Dal-Dalton." Will said shifting slightly in place

"Will! Are you ok?" David came running in and right into Will

"Fucking hell dude!" Will yelled as they impacted into each other.

Everyone paused in place and stared at the person in the doorway. After a while I decided to say what everyone was thinking.

"You're not Will." I say, eyes narrowing

"Of course I am, guys c'mon! Dal is still in da-" He starts to say but I interrupt

"No, you're not." I pause to take a deep breath before continuing. "Will never swears, ever."

It was sudden when the imposter reached down into one of his pockets and pulled out a knife. Before any of us could react he had David in a headlock, which would've been hard to do if he hadn't of been the taller Will. The knife was pressed up to David's head and it drew a small amount of blood from his forehead.

"Let's make a deal. Either I kill him along with the other two in my possession or we trade boys. Scarzone for Vaughns. Then you let me make them slaves. How 'bout it?" This is the most sinister I've ever heard Will be, well 'Will'.

"No way! You can't make us make that trade!" Angela says and steps in front of her boyfriend.

"G-guys?" David stammers, he looks up at us and I can see the fear in his eyes.

The knife that was held up to David's head was the same kind we found in both of those women.

"Guys it's fine." Dana said, stepping up

The shapeshifter looked around at each of us. Then he pushed the knife deeper into David's skull, causing him to scream. Why did the adults have to leave earlier, frick.

"Please guys, I don't want to see one of my best friends die when I could do something about it." Dana whispered

All of us sighed and nodded. We let Dana through and the man pushed David away and held Dana close. I caught David before he tumbled to the ground and handed him to Gabe, motioning to the first-aid kit that lay beside him.

"Any sudden moves and I'll kill him and still keep the others." The shapeshifter said growling

"Wait!" I yelled before they left

Will's eyes met mine and I took a deep breath before asking my question.

"Who are you?" I asked

He laughed and his features began to change. Black hair turned to blond and he became even taller.

We stood there awestruck even when the two left.

Cody, Cody was the shapeshifter.




There, I really hope none of you guessed that because I've been planning it for quite some while.

So yeah, he was actually pretending to be a guy working for himself because he's smarter than he looks.


Also, David now has a scar, you're welcome David.

'Till Next Time ;) -CG

The Real Deal (IM5/David Scarzone/Will Jay/Dalton Rapattoni fic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu