Chapter 25

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Dana's POV

I had a weird dream that Will, Cole, Dalton, Gabe and I were put together in a boyband and then Todrick was this internet star that got us famous. I was wondering where David was until Dalton left the band to join some band called Fly Away Hero or something. It had three of his and Cole's friends in it, Knoche, Hunter and Kitty. Then David joined our band and we got some singles out and stuff. Then we did a web show with Todrick and filmed two videos like the first one when Dalton was still in the band. Then David left even though he had only been in the band for a couple months but we all still thought of him as family. Then Will left the band to pursue his own dreams. Then Gabe, Cole and I kept the band going. I'm not too sure what the band was called though, I am something. It was a long heck of a dream though. Oh and in my dream Angela had a different name and she was on this dancing show on Disney that went off the air somewhere in the middle of my dream. I only know that because Gabe went on the show for a bit. It was basically in fast forward except I knew what was going on. It was weird. I wanted to see what else happened in my dream but someone woke me up.

And by someone I mean Cole.

And by woke me up I mean jumped on top of me and pushed me off the bed.

"Wake up." I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

"If I wasn't so tired then I would kill you." I groan as I get up.

"At least I didn't splash a bucket of water on you." I just rolled my eyes and started to walk away.

"Dude, I think you should put some pants on, and maybe a shirt too." Oh right. I had stripped down to my underwear because I was uncomfortable last night.

I grabbed my jeans that were laying on the floor and my shirt that was bunched up in the corner of the bed and slipped them on.

"Morning guys." Will said cheerfully when we got to the kitchen. Dalton was there too, looking disheveled and tired, he was scrolling at his phone but looked up at us and smiled.

"Where's the others?" I ask with a yawn.

"Nobody wants to wake up Angela, we want the least crankiest Gabe we can get and Will doesn't want us waking David up. The adults are doing adulty things." Dalton said

"So you made Cole wake me up but not anyone else?" I grumbled and took one of the seats

"Well, I'm your basic morning person, Dalton woke up and couldn't go back to sleep and Cole wanted to torture someone awake. You were the safest bet. Angela and Gabe would've killed him and David has this reflex where if you try and shake him awake he punches you in the gut. Probably his side effect of the kidnapping." Will explained.

Darn it. He's right. I didn't do anything to Cole when he woke me up. Wait, side effect?

"So do you guys have any side effects, well other then the powers?" I asked, I know I did. "I get a bit high strung when I'm alone, more then I used to at least."

"I guess I'm more protective over you guys now." Cole shrugged.

"Same with Cole." Dalton nodded

"I get weird flashbacks at night sometimes, nothing serious though." Will added in.

"So what's for breakfast?" Cole asked, changing the topic. Probably not on purpose.

"Take your pick babe. We got pancakes, eggs, bacon and french toa- wait nevermind. Will ate all the french toast, sorry." Dalton said. We all laughed when Will smiled evilly when Dalton finished his last sentence.

I piled some of everything on my plate and chowed down. I was almost as hungry as Will right now.


The Real Deal (IM5/David Scarzone/Will Jay/Dalton Rapattoni fic)Where stories live. Discover now