Chapter 23

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Dalton's POV

When we reached Angela's uncle's house a man was standing outside the door. He had blond hair and was wearing a suit.

"Hey Wilfred." Angela greeted, when we all got out of the car.

"Hey man! Wassup?!" Dana said and the man put up his hand right as Dana went for a high five

"Want anything to drink?" The man asked.

We were all about to ask for some drinks but Angela and Dana cut us off.

"We're fine!" They yelled. Winston, or was it Wilfred, motioned us inside the house. When I looked at Dana quizzically he just whispered.

"Don't even ask dude."

We were ushered to a large room with a couple of large flat screens on the wall. A man was there waiting for us. Cool clothes, too.

"Angela, Dana! How are my favourite niece and godson?" The man asked cheerfully, a hug was given to Angela and a handshake to Dana.

"Hey Uncle Todrick! Uh so, you may be wondering why these guys are here too?" Angela said, the man apparently named Todrick nodded and took a glance at us.

"Well they've got powers now too. They were kidnapped by the same people who gave me mine actually. Show him what you can do guys." Angela said

With that Will set himself on fire, Cole got out his claws, Dana turned into a penguin, David shot out some of his webbing and jumped up onto the nearest wall and I started running around the room, carefully so I wouldn't make a mini tornado.

"Impressive, but what about you young man?" He asked Gabe

Uh oh.

"Batman, doesn't really have powers." Gabe shrugged. Thank goodness, I thought he was gonna say something bad because of his temper. No wonder he's the most mature out of all of us.

"Alright then, I'll tell Jeffrey he gets to make more costumes then. My cousin Boonquisha will give you your training and some tips. Now, did you assign a leader yet?" Straight to the point. Alright then. At least we don't have to answer any annoying questions then.

"Yeah, Gabe." I pointed my thumb towards him

"Good, do you have a second-in-command in case of emergencies?" Todrick asked

"ME!" Cole yelled, I slapped him on the back of the head. He doesn't have to be so cocky.

"Ok good, you've planned beforehand then. For today I just want half of you to help Jeffrey with the costumes and the other half to train a bit with Boonquisha." Todrick said, then he started to make groups.

Gabe, Angela, Cole and David ended up helping Jeffrey, whoever that was, and Will, Dana and I were training. I'm not sure about it but I think Todrick put the couples or soon-to-be couples in different groups on purpose. Sly dude, sly.

A dark-skinned woman was in the room we were instructed to go to. Dana knew her, of course. Will and I had yet to learn.

"Oh, so this is what he meant by others. Well get your butts over here and listen, ok?! Which one of you is which?" She asks, I like her.

"Blond here is Flash, Asian dude is Human Torch, I'm Beast Boy." Dana said for us. Oh, I thought she meant names, but ok, sure, whatever.

"Good, good! Now we gon' need some training up in here! You! Fireboy, twenty push-ups! You! Human speedster, fifty jumpin jacks! Dana, hon', I want sixty squats." The woman said. "Go! Go! Go!"

We hurried to do the exercises assigned to each of us. I don't really get the point of exercising though. Is it so we can maintain fitness, 'cause we have gym class and that's hard enough. We finished a while later and waited for further instructions from the woman.

"Ok, good! Now, I want you to see how high into the sky you can fly." I should really learn this woman's name, I know people have said it a lot but it literally went out the other ear basically. Anyways, she was pointing at Will. Also, what she said rhymed! Oh gosh, I'm turning into Will.

We all went outside and Will changed into his fiery form. And away he flew, higher and higher.

He was basically a speck when he started to come down. And he came down fast. Ok, that sounded wrong. Ok, uh he started coming at us at rapid speed like he was falling but he stopped suddenly and slowly hovered down, nearer to the ground. Finally, he changed back into a human and was out of breath.

"Good job hon! Ok now, you, I want you to run around the world." She said to me, run around the world?

"That might take a while." I protested. Plus most of the world is water so like, yeah.

"Relax. It'd take and hour at most. Here, have some money so you can stop and buy something. Go fast enough and you'll be able to run on water." She said. "You've seen the Incredibles, right?"

Ok yeah, Dash did run on water in that one scene. Oh gosh, here we go. I took the money she was handing me, it was all different kinds of money too, I guess in case I was in a different place? I take a running position and nodded to my friends. Then I started to run.


Apparently they had tested Dana for the hour I was gone because Will was the only one there when I got back. I was really tired by then. I had also bumped into some people every couple minutes. Also, I'd almost stopped running while on the water so now my feet are soggy. At least I got to see some international wonders, I refused to pass by the Eiffel Tower though because Cole and I promised we would see it together. I ended up avoiding Paris altogether.

"Welcome back Dal, Boonquisha went inside already. The others went to have lunch by the way, I waited for you. You're welcome." Will said getting up from a log.

"Thanks Will, glad to see you choose friends over food for once." I laugh when he rolls his eyes and playfully punches me.

"Whatever, c'mon. They're at McDonald's." Will says.

He looked like he was about to walk so I picked him up and told him to close his mouth. Don't want any bugs to be swallowed. Then I sped off with him in my arms.

We arrived shortly but the others were outside, holding bags that probably had meals in them for Will and I. They had concerned expressions on their faces.

"What happened?" I asked

"Something bad." Cole answered, handing both of us the bags.

I exchanged a questioning glance with Will and we both shrugged. Then we followed them to the cars. Will immediately dug into his food.

So like, no one's going to tell us anything right now? I feel so loved.



I made a short IM5 song reference in there. It's like three words so idk if you'll find it though


I'm kidding, they'll find out what happened soon.

Let's see if I can double update today!


Oh, thanks for 200+ reads by the way! I smashed my keyboard when I found out. ThatOne5er can confirm that.

Uhh, I think that's all I need to say right now.

Until Next Time! -CG

The Real Deal (IM5/David Scarzone/Will Jay/Dalton Rapattoni fic)Where stories live. Discover now