Chapter 12

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Will's POV

"I wonder how, I wonder why,

Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue, blue sky

And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree"

It's been two weeks since we got kidnapped, one week since we got back to school. Mostly, everything is back to normal. The entire gang hasn't sat together since though. That means Colton is off with their own friend group, Gabe's actually sitting with the other seniors, Dana's been hanging out with Angela quite a bit lately so he sits with her and David and I basically together alone. He hasn't really made any friends and nobody's smothering him with questions about being kidnapped so I'm the only one he can sit with. Actually he could sit with Dana but he says he doesn't want to get in the way of the Dangela chemistry.

Nobody's smothering us with questions because they thought we were just absent the entire time for some stupid reasons. Well, except for our siblings, not-my-brother-Alex and Angela. But even they only know the gist of it.

Anyways, for choir since the teachers were informed mildly about the incident we got another week to practice. We'll be doing it next week. Right now we're doing solos so I just chose a song randomly and decided to sing it. David, Cole, Dana and Gabe already sang their solo songs. David chose the song I helped him write all on our own called Ex-Men, Cole sang Fancy by Iggy Azalea but added some funny stuff to it, Gabe chose to sing a Disney song which was A Whole New World from Aladdin and Dana sung Treasure by Bruno Mars. I was singing a song called Lemon Tree, I'm not too sure who it's by at the moment. I added some Chinese to it though, because I could.

We got to play an instrument if we could play one so I played my ukulele. I admit, music takes some of my stress away. That's why I love to do music a lot. I want to become a singer one day, or at least a songwriter. When I finished my song and everyone started to clap.

I can feel the heat rise to my cheeks but quickly go to sit down before anyone can see it. Dalton's next. He's singing an original, too. I think he told me once that it was called Stop.


Ok that was amazing. I'm officially going to see if I can collaborate with Dalton on a song sometime.

"Thank you everyone for participating in this Solo song assignment and I have to be honest, I'm actually doing this because of a festival coming up. We need four of you to compete against other schools and even though all of you did great I can only choose four of you." Wow, whoever gets in is really lucky I guess. "I've chosen them from how much seriousness they had, how much originality was in their song choice and by how into the song they were."

Well, seriousness would mean Cole wouldn't get in. He was pretty much just messing around even though the singing was great. Three people had sung Bruno Mars songs so I guess Dana wouldn't get in either. Gabe, as much as I hate to even think it, wasn't really into the song. He just kept glancing over at the clock but he was still really great.

"Ok, first up we have Dalton Rapattoni for sounding very into his music, for singing his own song he had written and took this assignment very seriously." She said

Of course it would be Dalton, he did amazing just now, plus he also really loves music. He has a different style than I do but he makes it sound like something I'd be into.

"Next we have Angela Preston for singing a not very popular song but she still made it sound great. She was very much into her music and seemed very serious with it."

Angela, I actually forgot what she sang. All I know is that I was thinking she had an amazing voice really. Should I feel guilty about that?

"Then we have David Scarzone for singing an original and sounding like you were actually talking to someone. You never played around with the song in an immature way either which is fantastic." She gave him a thumbs up.

The Real Deal (IM5/David Scarzone/Will Jay/Dalton Rapattoni fic)Where stories live. Discover now