Chapter 13

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Cole's POV

I was near Will when he was suddenly engulfed in flames. I screamed and jumped so high that Dalton had to catch me.

Embarrassing much.

Will was now hovering at least a foot off the ground. That was, cool I guess.

"Uh, Dana? I think you need to get the fire extinguisher, I haven't done this before." Will said, surprisingly his voice was clear despite the flames but it was kind of, deeper?

"On it!" Dana said, but before running off he looked to me and Dalton. "Cole, get off Dalton."

I'm dropped from his arms and clear my throat. Dalton smirks, darn you boyfriend. I look away from him and see Flame Will scratching the back of his neck.

"Is your hair gonna be gone by the end of this?" I ask out of curiosity.

"No, he was engulfed in flames before this on the operating table. His hair'll be fine." Gabe answered. Well, did I ask you Gabriel? I think not, but ok, whatever.

Dana came running back with an extinguisher and plopped it down. He nodded towards Will who started flying across the room. He looked a little out of control but seemed to get the hang of it. It looked freaking awesome. Then he came towards us and landed, not before the flames disappeared.

"Great, just a few pointers though." Dana said, I wonder what they could be?

Then he picked up the fire extinguisher and sprayed it on the nearby curtain. Oh, didn't notice that.

"Stay away from curtains." Dana instructed.

"You got it chief." Will said, mocking a salute.

Dana just rolled his eyes and looked over at Dalton.

"I don't even know what superhero I am though." Dalton frowned.

Actually, that was true. We knew Will was the Human Torch, Dana was Beast Boy, David was Spiderman, Gabe was Batman and I was the Wolverine but we had no idea what Dalton was.

"Well it has to be something from DC Comics since we know three of us are from Marvel and two of us are from DC. It'd make sense to have another DC." David said, something then clicked in my mind.

"Guys, we're so dumb. He has the Flash symbol on his clothes, remember?" I laugh and facepalm.

"Oh, right." Dalton looks down and covers his mouth, most likely because he's trying not to laugh.

"Great, now run around the room!" Dana said excitedly.

"Hey! Don't tell me what to do!" Dalton crossed his arms. "But I'll do it, not because you told me to do it but because I want to."

Sure you do idiot. My idiot boyfriend starts running around the room, well, at least it looks like he is. Honestly, he's just a blur. I can feel wind crossing our paths every couple milliseconds. He was only running for less than a minute when the blur stops and Dalton shows up.

"I ran, uh, about fifty laps around this place? Yeah, about fifty." Dalton smiles.

"Ok, but during gym try not to use your powers or we're probably gonna get shipped off to Area 51 or something." David put in, true.

Then Gabe asked who was next to test out their powers. For some reason everyone was looking at David so I looked at him too.

He noticed in a jiffy, wait did I just think jiffy? Who says jiffy! Gosh self.

David raised both of his eyebrows in surprise and shrugged. He motioned for us to step back so we all took one giant step back.

He held out one of his arms and did a Spiderman hand motion, the webbing shot out of his wrist and he went flying with it. It looked like he was about crash into the wall when he let go of the web fluid, which was admittedly gross by the way, and did a backflip and stuck to the wall. Show-off.

"Think he has spidey-sense?" Will asked quietly to the rest of us, actually, that's a good question.

"Let's find out." Gabe said, then he picked me up and threw me towards David.

Wait, why me! I was about to scream but I was already at the near wall when I processed what had happened so I didn't. David seemed to notice me despite me being quiet and turned his head, leaping away. This is gonna hurt.

I crashed into the wall and made a dent in the wall. Then I tumbled to the ground.

"Why'd you throw Cole!" I heard my boyfriend yell and I also heard footsteps.

I scrambled up to my feet and cleaned the wall stuff off of me. I then checked for injuries but found none. Cool.

"Killing two birds with one stone." Gabe said, walking towards me. "David sure does have spidey-sense and Cole seems to be good with the quick healing. Sorry about the wall by the way Dana."

"It's fine. My godfather won't mind, he's been meaning to make a canteen there anyways. Oh and, I brought something for Cole though, just to be safe." Dana said, he turned to me and dug into his bag. He pulled out a knife, wait.

"What are you doing with that?" I ask, widening my eyes.

He just grins evilly and before I can react he stabs me then pulls the knife out.

"AHHHHHH!" I scream and hold the place he stabbed me.

"You're crazy!" I heard Dalton yell, he took my arm and started examining it.

Wait, there was blood on the knife but no trace of it on me. Ok then. I guess I'm good for the healing bit then.

"Now it's Dana's turn!" I yell before punching him in the face.

"Ow! Ok, ok. I deserved that." Dana shook it off and closed his eyes. "I haven't tried this before so bear with me."

Then his whole body type changed before us. One minute he's a Dana, the next he's a, penguin?

"Did it work? You're all taller so I'm assuming it worked." Dana's voice came out of the penguin.

He was a brown-feathered penguin and actually pretty adorable. I'm not saying cute because Dalton is cuter, just saying.

"It worked dude, now change back, that's hella creepy." Dalton shook his head and scrunched up his face.

"I'm a penguin right?" Dana asked before turning back before our very eyes.

"Well, now you're a Dana but you were a penguin." Will nodded.

"Gabe's turn now." David said and we all looked to where Gabe was. "Gabe?"

He wasn't there anymore but the door was open now. Where'd he go?



Training Chapter!

We're almost to the part where they have cool adventures and I'm so very happy.

Well, they might be cool.... Maybe.


'Till next time -CG

The Real Deal (IM5/David Scarzone/Will Jay/Dalton Rapattoni fic)Where stories live. Discover now