Chapter 3

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Dalton's POV

"Come on Dal! Gabe wanted to meet up at noon, we're gonna be late!"

I don't get why we had to wake up so early on a weekend. Why does Gabe even want to talk to us? Of course Cole wanted us to go though, he's such a morning person it's so weird. I also don't get why he didn't invite Dana if he wanted to talk about the kidnapping thing.

Cole honks his car horn again. My sisters look like they're getting annoyed at me for not going with Cole. I mean, I'm in the bathroom fixing my hair. It's gonna take long whether you like it or not. Suddenly the door bangs open and Becca walks in.

"Go outside Dalton! Your boyfriend is driving us freaking mad!" Before I can protest she takes my arm and my backpack and drags me outside, throwing my bag out the door. Thankfully, I catch it before it hits the ground, my phone is in there, I don't know what I'd do without it.

"Get in loser, we're going shopping!" Cole yells jokingly as I head towards his car.

"Shut up Pendery." I mumble."And please, never quote Mean Girls again."

He just smirks and pulls out of my driveway. Stupid Cole and his stupid adorable face. But he's my stupid in-the-closet boyfriend and I have to deal with him. It's stupid, but only sometimes.

We arrived at Gabe's house a couple of minutes later. He was sitting on his front steps and looked stressed out. Before we got his attention his girlfriend, Amanda, or uh no, Avery? Ok, I don't know his girlfriend's name but she came out of his house and tapped his shoulder. He got up and they exchanged a couple of out-of-eavesdropping-range words and started to, uh, make out.

Straight people are weird. Then again, I'm pretending to be one of them. Whatever, wait when did Cole get out of the car?

I hopped out of his car and ran after him. I got up to him as soon as he started to clear his throat, alerting the lovebirds of our presence. They looked up from their love session and their faces both flushed red.

"Oh uh, see you later Gabey." Alex winked at Gabe.

"Bye babe." Gabe smiled, Alex ran off. Once again, straight people are weird. "Sorry about that guys, come on in. I assume you haven't heard the news yet."

Cole and I exchanged a look and followed the Hispanic boy inside. I wonder what the news is.

"My parents are at the Vaughns', Dana, he uh, went missing last night after he left." Gabe said, looking broken.

Wait what? Now Dana is missing? What the hell is happening?

"We can't, we can't go to school on Monday. The police are convinced that they're coming for our little group."

"Heck no! I can't miss another day of school!" Cole yelled.

He had been sick way too many times this past semester and the principal had discussed with him that he couldn't miss another day or he would be in an extra class during senior year.

"It won't count towards your stupid extra class thing Cole! Look, they're really concerned for us! Alex is bringing my homework and Angela will bring both of yours! The principal is freaking fine with it!"

I tensed at his tone. This must be serious, from what I know about Gabe he's usually a really laid-back guy. In the corner of my eye I see that Cole bit his lip. He only does that when he's about to say something really, really rude. Well, that or he's turned on, and don't think he has an anger kink. I stop him before he says something he'll regret.

I waited for the both of them to calm down. Was I the only calm one here? Shouldn't it be someone else? Whatever, I don't even know what's happening to be honest.

"Is that all?" I ask, I really kind of want to leave.

"Yeah, that's it. I wanted to explain that to you guys to your faces. You can go if you want. My mom will call both of yours'." Gabe sat on the counter to sit in a similar position he was in when we saw him on the stairs.

"You'll be alright alone?" I ask.

"Yeah, just- just be safe." He stammered.

Poor guy. Cole and I leave quietly and head to his car. As soon as we got in I started my lecture.

"What is your problem?" I say.

"What do you mean?" Sure, play dumb, mother-

"You almost made a rude remark, you were getting mad. He looked extremely stressed, probably blaming himself for all this." I scold.

He doesn't talk because he knows I'm just going to go on and on about his rudeness until I forgive him, which is exactly what I do. He knows when I do this I need at least an hour so he has a specific route he drives in. As soon as I finish my rant he parks in front of an ice cream shop.

"I'm sorry for being rude to Gabe, I'm sorry our friends are missing. Please let me buy you ice cream to make it up to you." Cole smiles.

I jump in delight and we both head in. He buys us both ice cream and talk about the newest episodes of Adventure Time. Before I know it, it's really late.

"Hey, my house?" I say and he nods.

We get out of the store and into his car. We drive along until he tells me that he had to get some gas.

We stop in the gas station and we decide to get some snacks to watch some Netflix. He fills up his tank and we start to head to the little store beside it to pay. I grab some chocolate and he grabs popcorn packets. After he pays. we walk out to his car but someone jumps out in front of us with their face hidden behind a mask and a slightly damp-looking cloth in their hand.

Cole and I both jumps back but the person reaches out for Cole, grabbing him. Without asking permission from my brain my body starts moving on it's own. I punch whoever it is in the face and they let go of Cole, who runs to the car after he was able to. I was about to follow him when I felt someone pulling me back by my stomach.

I was going to yell at Cole who didn't know what was happening and probably assumed I was right behind him but something pressed over my mouth and nose. It was the damp cloth the person had been holding before. Before the darkness came I saw Cole getting into his car and zooming away.

I think he thinks I'm with him.



What a cruel person I am.

Yeah, I totally made Colton an in-the-closet couple :).

Until next time! -CG

The Real Deal (IM5/David Scarzone/Will Jay/Dalton Rapattoni fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora