Chapter 15

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Dana's POV

We all went running to the ballroom to try to calm Angela down. Ok, now that I'm looking at the ballroom again it probably wasn't a good idea to practice all out when Gabe disappeared before. Yeah, this place looks like a total mess.

"Uh, well you see-" I started, Angela cut me off.

"Ok, no. Fuck your lies, spill the beans Vaughns." She crossed her arms. "Last time I checked, none of you were strong enough to make a dent in the wall."

"Oh that?" I looked at the dent, geez that was actually pretty big. "Uh, Cole ran into the wall. There was a- uh spider, yeah so- boom, right into the wall."

"And what about this weird white stuff all over the place. I really doubt this is cum by the way so don't use the wanking off excuse."

"That's white silly string, it's for David and Dalton's science project but it got everywhere." I stalled, she was totally not buying this but it's good to try.

"Why the fuck is the fire extinguisher on the ground and the foam everywhere then? Explain that!"

"Uh, Gabe likes to play with fire."

"It's true." He said, pulling out a lighter and flicking it on. Even though that helps a bit it's pretty weird and creepy. Note to self, don't let Gabe come to any bonfires.

"What about these tears in the curtains? You know if Jeffrey finds out about this you're totally dead. Those were made by him." She motioned to the shredded curtains. Shoot, forgot about those. Guess Cole and I shouldn't of played 'Wolf Fight', yeah that was a bad idea.

"I like playing with knives." Dalton butts in, oh thank goodness for moral support. But why does Dalton have a knife in his pocket?

"Oh really? What about these skid marks?" She asked, seeming pretty pissed.

Ok, I don't think anyone has an excuse for that one. If only Dalton had been Aquaman or something, that would've made everything easier to explain.

"HA! Now tell me what you guys are hiding or I'm calling Wilfred right now and he's gonna be hella pissed. Remember last time you ruined a room in the house Dana?" She held out her phone and showed us Wilfred's contact.

Wilfred is actually a pretty uptight guy, but calm. If you get him way too mad you're in for it though. Last time he broke at least three glass bottles before leaving us be. It took forever to clean up too.

"Don't call him! Uh, guys?" I look around for what to do. I can't lie or Wilfred's gonna be on my ass for the mess but if I tell the truth then who knows who she will tell.

"Just tell her Dana, it's fine, she's not gonna tell anyone, right Angie?" Cole asked.

"Right Coley." She said and was waiting for a response.

"I guess it'll be easier if we just show you then, Will, Dalton?" I nodded to them and they nodded back.

"Let's do this." Will said and burst into flames as I changed into the largest animal I could think of at the moment, an elephant. Dalton just started running around the room at full speed.

Ok, maybe I should've went with something smaller but Angela just stared. Oh no.

"This is crazy." She said after a couple minutes of silence, I changed back into Dana and Dalton stopped running.

"Look, I know it's hard to comprehend but-" I start

"No, no. Not like that! I didn't think they did anything to you while you were kidnapped but boy was I wrong. Now we can go save the world together!" She said clapping her hands happily. Ok, I hope I'm not the only one confused right now.

"What do you mean?" Will asked, only now he got rid of the fire around his body.

"Wow, boys are ignorant. I was kidnapped once too people! That's why I'm the only other one who was allowed to bring the homework other than the Lex of Galexy. Rebecca's family right? Yeah well when I was kidnapped she knew nothing about the experiments. The people I was kidnapped with died and I was forgotten about. Now, here I am, living a normal life. Well, semi-normal." She said, wait, hold up.

"What are you?" Dalton asked.

"Glad you asked Dalty boy! Can I have a volunteer from the audience?" She raised her hand and looked to each of the boys. "No? Alright, hm which one of you looks the most naïve? WILLIAM JAY BEHLENDORF!"

We all jumped at Will's name being called. Frick, she can be really loud when she wants to. He nervously stepped forward and bit his lip.

"Ok Will, focus on my voice, ok? You really don't have to but I'm a bit rusty so it'll make it easier for both of us." She said, then she turned to the rest of us. "Alright, I want the rest of you to cover your ears, I'm just gonna tell him to sing a song he wrote."

We all did but heard Will yell a 'no way' in response but she calmed him down and started speaking to him. He looked entranced and stared at her. Ok, I'm not getting jealous, not at all.

She motions to the rest of us to stop covering our ears so we can hear Will. He has now closed his eyes and is tapping a beat of his thigh.

"I'm asking you to love me where the light is

'Cuz I'm so tired of holding you in private

I'm not a vampire, woah, I'm not a vampire, at heart

I'm just asking you to love me where the light is

So please don't leave me in the dark."

Ok, no, that was actually really good. We all started clapping and Will seemed to come out of his trance. He then turned bright red.

"Will, we should actually collaborate some time." Dalton smiled. I don't think the world would ever be ready for that though. So many good songs out there but I bet it'll beat them all, just saying.

"S-sure. H-how'd you do that Angela?" He seemed out of breath and surprised.

"No, I'm not convinced yet." Gabe then said, geez, picky.

"Alright, cover your ears again then." She said and turned back to Will. what is she up to?

When we were told to stop blocking out noise Will went up to David and kissed him. Ok, no offence to Will but if I wasn't convinced before I certainly am now. Will would not be the one to start a kiss, trust me.

"Uh, sorry." He looked down after the kiss was done, ok I'm officially only gonna be grossed out by Colton and Galexy. Wavid is pretty darn adorable.

"It's ok." David said as he started to blush.

See! Darn right adorable!

"Ok, I believe." Gabe nodded.

"Good, now let's discuss this little mishap of the ballroom, shall we?"

Ok, this is gonna take very long to clean up.



SURPRISE! Ok, no not that much of a surprise 'cause I suck at plot twists.

Who's POV do you guys want the next one to be in?

The options are David, Dalton and Will.

Ok 'Till next time -CG

The Real Deal (IM5/David Scarzone/Will Jay/Dalton Rapattoni fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora