Chapter 32

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Dalton's POV

I woke up in a dark room. What happened? Where was I? I tried to grab hold of my memories from before I blacked out.

Let's see. Will and I arrived at the front of Cole's house, him arriving just a minute after me. We thought it would be smart to wait with Gabe at that building in the forest so we wouldn't raise suspicion with Will's brother because we 'walked'. We saw Gabe waiting. We-we approached him and then-then he pulled out a-a baseball bat.

Will! He hit Will!

"Will! Will!" I yelled out, I heard a loud groan beside me.

I tried to reach out but something restrained me.

"D-Dal?" A groggy voice echoed through the dark followed by clanking of, chains? "Dalton, are you there?"

"Will? Will!" I was relieved, at least he was ok. "Where are we?"

"Why are you asking me? I can't even see you, much less where we are." Will mumbled.

Just then, light came on. I was blinded a couple moments and waited to get adjusted to the light. It was a large white room. Will was across from me, all the way on the other side of the room. Chains were clasped onto his wrists and ankles, probably the same for me too. He had a bruise on his cheek which was probably from when Gabe hit him with that bat.

Wait, Gabe hit him with a bat. Gabe, the guy who is so overprotective of us. Why would he do that? Suddenly, I noticed that he was standing at the door which I had also not seen before, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Gabe! What the hell?!" I yell, yanking on the chains even though I know it's useless.

"Wow, didn't know you were that stupid Rapattoni." Gabe laughed. What was he doing? I thought we were friends?

"What do you mean stupid?" Will asked confidently, but by the look on his face I could tell he was scared.

"You too Behlendorf? You should've guessed this by now." Gabe raised a brow before his features became different. Gabe changed into Cole, who changed into David, who changed into Dana, who changed into Angela, who changed into Will, and then he finally changed into me before going back to Gabe's look.

"Y-you're the-" Will got cut off.

"Yes, I am the shapeshifter. Have been posing as him for a while. Since that stupid Hispanic kid came in to check on me alone for the first time. They think your friend is me, they still do. He doesn't even know about the knives or that you were almost run over by a car. Aren't I a good actor?" His maniacal laugh made me want to punch him even more, stupid chains. "Now your Hispanic friend is being interrogated by that strange lady with the weird name and that strange man with the weird accent while your other friends are wondering where you are. Even if they find out it'll be too late. You see, I'm planning on making a trade that'll be hard to pass up. Either I kill you both or you become slaves basically along with that other boy? The one with the dark skin and the hats."

I tugged against the restraints once again. He wouldn't dare! Cole and I were gonna get married and adopt some kids! David and Will were finally going to realize that they are both deeply in love and get married too! Dana and Angela were going to make Dana the thirds! He can't do this! He can't just do this! Who does he think he is?

"Who the hell are you?!" I yelled, I saw Will tensing up.

"You'll see. Or maybe you won't. It all depends on me and my decision. You see, people like me don't want to go back to jail. If somehow you escape and know my identity it could be a real problem, shapeshifting or not." He smiled evilly.

He was just like Mystique. Wait, it could be a she! Maybe? I mean, I've only seen him or her turn into guys. Wait, when did the dude leave?

"Dal?" Will whispered.

"Yeah?" I asked, I mean I get why he's scared. We all thought our kidnapped days were over.

"Do you think they'll try to save us?" He asked after a deep breath.

"Of course, don't say that Will. They'll find us." I answer. I wanted to comfort him up close, like I do with Cole and David does with him but these stupid chains are in the way.

"What if they don't Dalton? What if they don't find us? What if when they're given the options they'll let us die?" Will choked out.

"Hey, it'll be ok Will. It'll be ok, were fine now aren't we?"

"My cheek is stinging from the bat impact and we're chained up in a asylum type room. I don't mean to sound pessimistic but-" He bit his lip.

"Look William. We'll get through this you and me. Somehow we'll escape this place. I don't care if it's the last thing I ever do."

He nodded and sighed, he pulled his knees up to his chest and buried his face from sight. I don't remember who the most scared was all that time ago. I hope the others can do what they do without us. At least Gabe is ok. He's still at Todrick's. The most he'll get is a slap on the face from Jeffrey or a lecture from one of the four adults. They'll find out who he is and he'll be safe.

I hope.

What will happen though? What if we actually become slaves to that sadist freak? We have to do something. Wait, I have an idea!

"Will, do you think you could melt these chains?" I ask, full of hope.

He looks up and looks down at the chains. Then he bursts into flames, only resulting into a sprinkler system going off and it being put out.

"Nope." He sighs. "And now we're trapped and soaked."

The sprinklers stopped. He was right. But now how could we get out.

"Maybe you could do that phasing trick?" Will said with a wide, hopeful grin.

"I can't Will, I haven't tried it and it could be dangerous." I said

"Nothing could be worse." He points out.

"When the time is right Behlendorf." I say, making a small agreement with him.

Maybe that time will be never.




Yeah, that was the plot twist. YAYYYYYY!!!!

None of y'all are going to guess who the shapeshifter is by the way.


And that is why I replaced Gabe's POV with Angela's!!!!

Also, Gabe didn't actually insult Dangela's cooking!!

Oh! Most of this was written at a 3-year-old's bday party so excuse me if it sucks.

Ok, uhhhhhhh yeah.

'Till Next Time!!!! -CG

The Real Deal (IM5/David Scarzone/Will Jay/Dalton Rapattoni fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora