Chapter 34

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Will's POV

I don't know how long we just sat there in silence. I wanted to escape but Dalton won't listen to me. I know he'll be safe if he just tries. But it's ok, not like we have a choice.

Then the door bangs open, startling me. Dana is pushed in, his hands are bond behind his back. Behind him is, Cody? What's Cody doing here.

"Get some sleep boys, I need to break you before you start which will happen first thing tomorrow." Was Cody the shapeshifter? What?

"Dana?" My voice cracked slightly. Cody had left.

"Fine, I'm fine. What about you guys?" Dana mumbled, sitting up

"My butt is numb." Dalton says, not as a joke either.

"My cheek hurts." I sigh, the bruise still tingled and it had began to ache but I'll live.

Dana nodded and shuffled back against the wall beside me with his feet. If he had Dana that meant we wouldn't be killed. I can honestly say that I'd much rather have death than be a slave the rest of my life. But, I don't want to kill myself. I'm not suicidal, maybe I will be later in life but not now.

"Can't you turn into a bird or something to get out of that?" Dalton asked, nodding to Dana's cuffs

"I made a deal with Cody on the way." Dana sighed, shaking his head. "I do anything and he'll kill one of you. You guys never made any deals though right? Will have you tried-"

"There's an automatic sprinkler system." I cut him off.

"Oh." He made a face but didn't say anything other than that.

"What're we supposed to do now?" I asked after a long wait of silence.

"I don't know, but I can't believe this. Kidnapped twice in one year." Dalton shivered and started blinking rapidly.

"We can get out of this Dal, if you just-" I started to say

"No Will."


"I won't do it until it's absolutely necessary, William."

"So its not necessary now!? He's going to torture us until we break and maybe even further than that and we could easily get out of this if you just listen!" I was angry.

"Will, look I just-"

"No Dalton! Just shut up! We have nothing to lose but you're being selfish! I don't-" I paused to take a deep breath, I'm going to say what I need to say. It needs to be said. "I don't fucking care what you had to say."

My voice cracked but I noticed that both of them had winced when I swore. Even though it came out as nothing but a whisper. Dalton opened his mouth to say something but I just glared and shook my head. Then hung my head low and closed my eyes, taking breaths before continuing.

"I'm sorry. I can't take this anymore. None of us deserve this I just-" Memories came flashing in, happy memories. Before we got our powers, before we were kidnapped, before we became friends.

Before David moved here.

"I can't blame it on him. He made me happier than I've ever been. Now it's too late. I can't tell him, I can't." I whispered to myself, forgetting about the other two in the room but I still felt them looking at me, I could sense it.

"Will? Will are you there?" I snapped my head up and looked around, that wasn't Dalton or Dana, or even Cody.

I didn't know who had said it.

"Are you ok?" Dana asked, shuffling away a bit.

"D-Did you hear that?" I stutter

"Will! Listen to me, I need you to keep sane for a bit ok. I'm in your head but just think, I'll hear you."

That's kind of creepy, what?

"Yeah ok it's creepy. Just think of me as Professor X but without the controlling part."

Who are you? Why are you in my head? What is happening?

"Cody, he's going to pick you first. He's going to torture you. You need to stay strong Will, stay strong. I'll try to help you the best I can, I promise."

David, can you get me to David?

"Yes, and I will but you need to trust me and stay strong. Can you do that Will?"

Yeah but who are you?

"A friend, that's all you need to know as of now. I'm communicating with Cole too. I'm taking him to you."

You are? But how can I trust you? You're just a voice in my head.

"I can only do this with three people Will. Just listen to me. You're in danger as of now but I need you to do exactly as I say to get out of this dilemma."

And what happens if I don't?

"You become a slave, I'm serious Will. I'm trying to help."

Then tell me your name. I'll do it if you tell me your name.

"Ok, fine. Will, my name is Luke. I know what's going to happen if you don't do this. Please."

Ok, I'll do it.



SHORTER CHAPTER THAN USUAL!!! But it's fine I just really needed to tell yall that I made a horrible mistake in the last chapter. I published the changes but idk if it worked because Wattpad hates me.

So yeah.

Also, there may or may not be a 5sos cameo.

And Luke's last name may or may not be Hemmings.



The Real Deal (IM5/David Scarzone/Will Jay/Dalton Rapattoni fic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ