Chapter 46

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Will's POV

It's the day after Dana left to be with the others, wow that sounded bad, my wording is terrible. Let's try that again, the day after Dana was let go. Ok no, that sounded even worse.

"Dalton, what's a non-depressing way to word what Dana did yesterday? All I can think of is stuff that make it sound like Dana died." I asked Dalton, who was re-folding messily done clothes for the fifth time, we've had a lot of free time today.

"Uh, let me think." He pauses with a half-folded shirt in his hands. "How about, Dana escaped this dreaded place?"

"No, that's how a lot of people see life. That's why there's suicide Dal." I shook my head

"Right, uh. Then no, no way of wording that." He seemed to think about it for another second. "Yeah, definitely not. At least, from what I can think of."

I nodded my head and looked back at the mirror in the room. I played with the red hair on my head. I knew I would get Dalton to dye it back if we got out of here. I mean, it's a good temporary look but not something I would like to have the rest of my life. I can't pull that off. I think Gabe could though, not red, that would look bad. I mean, he already has the blond streak, maybe an orange would work. Or a purple. I can picture that.

"What're you thinking of?" Dalton asked, I looked towards him to see that he was finished re-folding and now unfolding again.

"Just Gabe with purple hair." I said

Dalton burst out laughing. What's funny? I don't get it.

"Purple-haired Gabe? I'd love to see that. Just like how I'd love to see Cole with an afro." He laughed again.

"No, that's horrible. Cole with an afro? The day he pulls that off is the day Rebecca stops being creepy." I shiver but then when Dalton abruptly stops laughing I realize my mistake. "Sorry, I meant Rebecca Tones not-"

"Yeah, I know. Sorry, I really shouldn't be so sensitive about it. Becca isn't even actually doing all this. She's being forced to by a guy who's being forced to force her into doing all this. Plus, your brother is going through the same thing." Dalton gives me a small half-smile which I return soon after.

Then the metal door opens to reveal Hunter. He gives us a piece of paper and walks out. No matter how many times he's going to do that it will always be weird. I look over Dalton's shoulder to read it.

All it says is that Tommy was killed by Cody today. Oh, I thought it would be more important than- wait. What?!

Tommy. The bully. The second-in-command. The guy I basically considered my enemy. Dead. He, died? As punishment or what? Hunter did give us another sheet of paper yesterday on who was working with Cody and Tommy was on the list. Along with several other bullies who I didn't care much for. But dying?

Luke, he must've told Cole who was working with Cody. Cole must've jumped him or something. He would do that. He was our back-up leader. He would do anything for us, for all of us. He must've been angry. But at least he didn't kill the dude. Killing your allies instead of your enemies mean you've reached a whole different kind of evil.

But then again, Cody probably reached it a long time ago. He's evil and I hate him.

"You okay?" Dalton asked

"Huh? Yeah why?" I said

"You just flopped on your bed after you read the paper. Your facial expressions are so easy yet so hard to read at the same time. How?" Dalton looked impressed, for some strange reason.

I just shrugged, "Years of practice?"

He laughs and flops onto his own bed. Then he sighs, which initially means he's about to ask something that's bothering him.

"So, do you really think they are going to come for us?" Dalton asked, quietly. Ah, there it is

"No." I said, he turned to me shocked which made me smile. "I know they are already coming for us. No man left behind and all that, right?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right, I'm being irrational. They'll figure out how to get here and they'll figure out how to get all of us out." Dalton grinned giddily. "And, we're smart so if they don't have a plan then we can first scold them and then become heroes by winging it like bosses."

"Hm, you make a fantastic point there Mr. Rapattoni. We will in fact be winging it like bosses because we are in fact bosses. Unbeatable bosses at that." I say in a mockingly elegant voice, then crack a smile which soon turns into bursts of laughter from both Dalton and I.

"Ah, Mr. Behlendorf, I indubitably believe that we will kick some donkey butt out there. Do you not agree?" Dalton said after he got enough air in to say it.

"Why Mr. Rapattoni, you have in fact peaked at my interests. I will look over your comment and we shall discuss the possibilities later." I play along which leads into even more laughter.

"Ok, ok. We need to stop. I feel like I'm gonna die from laughing too hard." Dalton said after I hear him take in several gasps of fresh air.

"I know, I feel like my air supply's gonna run out and I'll die both a really sad and really happy death." I say, wiping away the tears that have gathered.

"I didn't think I would be laughing this hard while being kidnapped by my sister if I'm being honest." Dalton says while rubbing his cheeks from soreness I'm guessing.

"Yeah, true." I nod, doing the same thing as him.

"We should do this again, just talking like normal people. But like, not in a place where we are forced to stay in and will be enslaved, y'know?" Dalton says

"Sure, definitely." I smile widely



A filler 'cause at the moment, Dalton and Will's chapters are the hardest to put information into.

Until Next Time!!!! -CG

The Real Deal (IM5/David Scarzone/Will Jay/Dalton Rapattoni fic)Where stories live. Discover now