Chapter 26

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Cole's POV

We had been briefed about what we would be doing. Angela would use her voice thing to distract the driver and one of us would take out the guard at the back where the prisoner was. Then we would bring him in to interrogate him. It didn't seem that hard to do.

So the next thing I knew we were following the truck, trying to figure out a way to make them pull over.

Dalton was running with me in his arms. I was holding Will's ski mask as he flew high enough for people to not see him if they didn't know he was there. Dana was flying up above alongside Will. I'm pretty sure David had hitched a ride with Dana by using his webs. Angela was with David and they clung onto the webbing together. I'm not sure where Gabe was if I was being honest.

Suddenly something whipped by Dalton and I causing us to fall over. Then the truck pulled over. I saw Will, Dana, Angela and David landing in the bushes next to us where we had landed. Gabe was running up.

"Hey, sorry guys. Didn't mean to scare you." Gabe said, holding up one of the batarangs. Oh, that's what flew beside our heads.

"You ok Dalton?" I asked, helping him up.

"Yeah, are you?" Dalton asked

"Uh, Dal. Healing powers. Remember?" I teased. I also tossed Will's ski mask to Will.

"Oh yeah." He mumbled

"Guys shut up! I'm going in." Angela said and walked towards the car.

There were two people looking at the wheel. From what I remember, they big came from the front of the truck so the guard would be the only one left.

The men and Angela had a nice long conversation and I was starting to get bored. Then one of the guys knocked on the truck and yelled something. Then the three left, Angela motioning at us to go.

Gabe led the way. When we got to the truck we saw there was a big lock on the outside.

"Frick, how're we gonna get through this?" Dana whispered

"Well, I think the Flash can get through the walls if he vibrates fast enough." David suggested. We looked over to Dalton but he was shaking his head.

"That could go horribly wrong, I haven't tried it yet." My boyfriend whispered.

Great, how're we gonna get in then?

"Don't worry guys, where there's a Will, there's a way." Will smiled, oh my gosh. Stop with the puns.

He took off his mask and threw it to Dana. Then he put himself on fire and held the lock in his hands. We waited a few moments and then the lock was completely melted.

"Good job dude." Gabe said and tugged at the door.

"What! Who are you?" There were two men in the truck. One was tied up and bounded but the other was heavily armoured and had a gun pointing at us.

I felt wind beside me and then the guy was knocked out. Dalton stood beside him but looked shocked. The guy probably had a silencer on his gun or something because he was looking at me in shock. I looked down and saw a bullet in my arm. I wanted to scream in pain but I just bit my lip and shut my eyes.

"Fucking hell! Are you ok?" Gabe asked, standing beside me.

I wanted to correct his language but if I did it would end up as a scream. It was only a few moments until the bullet fell out of my arm and on to the ground. Then the wound disappeared. It felt freaking weird but at least it only hurt slightly now.

"Whoa, it's a good thing it hit you and not anyone else!" Dana said, seriously Dana, you're going there? "Oh that came out wrong!"

I growled and just put out my claws. Then I cut the guy's gag off. Honestly, I didn't care if I accidentally cut some of his skin.

"Tell us everything." Gabe said, crossing his arms to come up beside me.

Ok sure, you're the more intimidating one I guess. I have metal claws coming out of my hands, Will was a fire human and Dalton just knocked a guy out with super speed. Yep, go ahead and act like you're the scariest in the group. You totally are with your dark clothes and stuff. Ha. Nope.

"Why if it isn't the people Cody was telling me about." The guy smiled. It was weird, he looked as old as us.

"Hold on, I know this guy." Will said, not coming out of his fiery form probably because he would show his face. "Brodie? You're alive?"

Brodie? As in, Brodie Tones? Isn't he dead? Rebecca told us he was dead.

"Oh how wrong you are." The guy grinned evilly. Now that I look closer he does look like Brodie.

But he said Will was wrong. Don't tell me Brodie has an evil twin or something 'cause that'd be really weird.

"What do you mean? You're Brodie!" Dana said.

"No I'm not." The man rolled his eyes.

"You are! You're Brodie Tones! You look exactly like him! They told us you died!" Gabe said glaring.

He seriously did look like Brodie and he sounds like Brodie too. But why would he say he wasn't Brodie then?

"You are so naïve." The person said. His voice had changed. It sounded like, it sounded like Dalton.

I looked over to my boyfriend and he looked like he heard it too. In front of our very eyes the guy in front of us changed. His hair became a bleached blond and his eye colour changed to the rich blue. Eyeliner appeared on his eyes as well.

Now he looked like Dalton.

"What the heck!?" Will screamed and started walking backwards.

"You're not the only ones with powers." The guy said, in Will's voice. The blondness turned darker, reaching the blackness Will's hair had. His eyes became brown and the eyeliner was gone. His usually pale skin became more tanned.

"What are you?!" Dana yelled accusingly

"One of you." Dana's voice came from his mouth and his skin became even darker. His hair lightened to a brown and started to curl up into a small Afro.

Then before I could stop myself, I knocked the guy out. I was scared, frightened. What just happened? There were more people like us?

"Dana, get Angela and let's get out of here." Gabe said calmly. "We'll figure this out at Todrick's house."

This just got a whole lot weirder.



Plot twist! Yay! I'm not good at those tbh.

Ok so I wasn't actually expecting that either. Lol.

OH! Sorry I didn't post yesterday but I did post the prologue and the first six chapters of my new fanfic as a preview for it.

It's called Warriors, go check it out if you want!!!!

Hope you guys liked this chapter though!

'Till Next Time -CG

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