Chapter 17

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David's POV

"Game time! Game time! Game time!" Dana and Angela sung leading the way to a more suitable room to sleep in. We had eaten dinner right before this and they were getting pretty restless.

Gabe was trudging along in the back and when I looked back he was rolling his eyes at the two in the front. Will and I walked side by side. He looked concerned. I wonder why?

"Hey, you ok?" I tap his shoulder and he looks up at me, smiling.

"Yeah, yeah. It's just that I don't really trust those two to pick the games we're playing." Will replied, motioning to the singing duo.

"Don't worry about it, we'll be fine. I overheard them a couple minutes ago, the games won't make us use our powers." I pay him on the back and then we both bump into the two who had abruptly stopped.

"Here we are! Room, sweet room!" Dana dramatically opens the door to reveal a normal looking room with a bunch of sleeping bags on the ground.

"Surprise visits and guests, all the time." Angela laughs and we walk into the room.

"What're we playing?" Gabe asks, shutting the door behind him as Angela turn on a lamp.

"Let's play the classic sleepover game, truth or dare!" Dana suggests.

We all agreed, some were more reluctant than others. We decided that since Dana had chosen the game he would go first.

"Gabe! Truth or dare?" He says dramatically.

"Uh, dare I guess." He shrugged

"I dare you... to call the twentieth contact on your phone and tell them that you got lost and you need them to pick you up!" Dana jumps up and down.

We all sit down in a circle while Gabe goes through his contacts. He finally stops counting and smiles at his phone.

"Who is it?" Angela asks demandingly

"Cole Pendery." Gabe snickers and presses the call button, putting it on speaker.

It rings several times until a click is finally heard. A confused and groggy voice answers.

"Gabe?" It mumbles, sleepily.

"Cole? I uh, gosh this is embarrassing, I'm kind of lost and out of gas. Could you maybe, pick me up?" Wow, he's a good actor.

"What? Why are you just calling me now! Dalton and I left Dana's godfather's like, three hours ago! When did you leave?" In the background I could hear Dalton asking what had happened. "Gabe got lost!"

"I left like an hour ago and I didn't realize I was out of gas. Can you help me or not?" Gabe asked

"Yeah sure, where are you right now?" Cole sighed

"If I knew I wouldn't be calling you right now!" Gabe argued, in the corner of my eye I saw the others trying not to laugh, which I was also doing.

"Well sorry." Cole said sarcastically. "What do you see around you? Maybe I could ask Will if he knows where you are. He has knowledge of this place more than any of us. He hasn't moved in his life."

"No trust me, he won't. He barely leaves his house, trust me." Gabe said, earning a nudge from Will which almost made me burst out laughing.

"Well how can I save you if I don't know where you are!" Cole whined on the other end.

"Well I don't know how you'd save me anyways. You are way too gullible for your own good." Gabe smiled.

"Well if you'd just tell me where you were I could- wait, did you just say gullible? Is this a prank?" Cole sighed, slightly frustrated and annoyed

The Real Deal (IM5/David Scarzone/Will Jay/Dalton Rapattoni fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon