Chapter 42

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Will's POV

Black, all I see is black. What happened? I- last thing I remember is, pain. Yeah that's it. Burning, but not fire burning, ice burning. Like when you hold an ice cube to your skin for a long time but ten times worse. What else?

Dalton and Dana, my brother and Dalton's sister, some dude named Hunter. Then, Cody.

I hate him.

"Will? Will wake up." A voice says through the black abyss.

Slowly light starts to flow into my vision. Then a face. A pale one, with blue eyes and bleached blond hair. Dalton.

"Dal?" I hear my voice croak.

"Sh, you're ok. You're ok. They're letting Dana out." He says while pushing his hair out of his face.

There were red marks on his wrists. I started to open my mouth to say it but closed and raised my arm to point instead. And it hurt, so much.

"Don't worry about that dude- um- Will. You look worse." He then stands up and holds his arm out to me.

Wait, are we allowed to walk around?

"The door, it's unbelievably indestructible. I can probably faze through it but I doubt it'll make a difference, you know, with Alex and, uh, Becca guarding it." He sighs, like he read my mind and makes a point of holding his arm out towards me again.

I take it and he pulls me up to my feet. I take in the look of the room. It isn't like all the walls we usually see when we're captured. There's a beige feel to it, but then there's also a giant metal door. There's also a full-length mirror in the room and two twin beds. And a closet. Weird.

"They want us to be comfortable when we're slaves I guess." Dalton gave a lifeless chuckle and tugged me towards the mirror.

When I saw myself I was surprised. There was a red streak in my hair and frost covering my body. Maybe that's what's making me burn.

"Try to fire up?" Dalton suggested.

I did but it hurt, it hurt too much. I stopped for a moment and stared at myself. The fire looked weaker than it usually looks on me. Then I took it away, the fire.

"It-" I started to say.

"Yeah, maybe it's the frost. It's still on you, maybe we can get rid of it. Somehow." Dalton interrupted

"Yeah." I nodded and looked at myself again. I went to touch the red streak.

"Dana has a green one. I'm not sure what exactly happened but it happened and I don't have it but you two do." Dalton explained.

"Where is Dana anyways?" I asked

"They took him away this morning. I was going to wake you but, let's just say you went through a lot.

Then the metal door opened.

"Don't run or I'll hurt you're friend." Hunter's voice said but I felt a tug at my brain when he did.

"What do you want?" Dalton asked calmly

"Easy." He shrugged and the metal door closed suddenly. "Okay, look. I really don't want to hurt you guys. But he's using Knoche and Kitty against me. He'll kill them if I don't. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I was shocked when Hunter ran up to Dalton and gave him a hug.

Dalton was silent for a while. I was too. I really wasn't expecting that at all. But now the dude is crying.

"Ok, I understand." Dalton said finally.

"Really? I promise I'll try to help you guys. I'm serious. Thank you." He said again and noticeably squeezed Dalton tighter.

"Hmph, yeah ok, please let go of the Dalton now." Dalton said breathlessly.

"Oh right, sorry." Hunter said, letting go of him and brushing himself off. "Here I printed this off of Cody's phone for you. I also typed the stuff he said in the video he took."

He handed us a couple of sheets of paper and pointed to the closet.

"Hide them there after you read them. I'll shred them and throw them in the trash after you're done." Hunter said and ran out of the now open metal door, it closed behind him.

"I feel bad for him." I said after a couple of moments of awkward silence.

"Yeah, I do too. How many more people is Cody going to bring into this anyways?" Dalton sighed and flopped on one of the beds. Then he started to read to himself, silently.

I waited patiently and watched his emotions. They were various, his expressions. Whatever he was reading it must've been weird or something. Finally he handed me the papers and I read them.

When I finished I put a big grin on my face and went to the closet to stuff them under some clothes then came back.

"They're going to come for us." I smiled

"I know, but that means we also have to fight back. Break the bond, make the enemy vulnerable. You know?" The left side of his mouth twitched upwards. "They had a choice though, why'd they pick Dana?"

"Dana would be the most useful to them. And I have Luke." I told him

"Luke?" Dalton raised an eyebrow in question.

"Yeah, I just, I'll explain later. It's complicated."

"We have plenty of time for that. I mean, look at where we are." Dalton motioned to the metal door.

"I just don't want to right now. Later, I promise. We have bigger things to discuss anyways. Like how Dana is going to be with them and they are actually trying to come and get us." I said

"But, they might not. They had a choice of whether or not they were going to come and get us. They could've just voted for who they wanted back the most. Angela is very persuasive." He said, wow pessimist much.

"I know that, but that just means they are definitely going to come for us. They are not going to leave us here Dalton. And we're going to make our effort to escape too." I grinned.



Look at that! Two chapters in two days? I'm back to the summer update schedule I guess XD.

I might even make a double update today. I MIGHT EVEN GET THE HALLOWEEN SPECIAL ON TIME!!!!

Ok yeah.

Until Next Time!!!!! -CG

The Real Deal (IM5/David Scarzone/Will Jay/Dalton Rapattoni fic)Where stories live. Discover now