Sorry! Another Authors Note

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So, my cover is fine for right now, but I want something cooler. Also, maybe even a trailer! If any of you, my readers, that I love so much can make trailers and cover, or know anyone that is really good at making them, please ask them for me, or give me their username so I can ask them! It would be much appreciated!

Also! I really really want feed back and, not to be mean, you guys only comment like once on every chapter. And tbh, I enjoy reading some comments, they make me happy! That way I also know you guys like where this story is going! So please start commenting more guys!

Also Also! What do you guys think about questions, jokes, or me asking you guys something about what has happened to you at the end and then, the one I find the funniest, closest to the right answer, the most embarrassing, etc., can be dedicated to the chapter! I will do one at the end of this A/N.

Also Also Also! When do you guys want the first Starco kiss? I've been writing ideas and chapters in my notebook for when I get the time to type. I just want ideas and stuff from you guys, because I don't want to loose my readers! Ilyasm and I would die if I lost you guys!

So, what's your guys' best birthday moment? Or the best thing to ever happen to you on a birthday? The winner is going to be the one I find the most awesome, and they will have a dedication on Chapter 6!

Vote, Comment, Follow (@Xstar-and-marco4evsX), AND REMEMBER............


That's my motto ^^^^^^

Duces my baes <3

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