Character Info

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Name: Senyaa Akiyama

Age: 28

History in wrestling: She didn't get into wrestling until her last year of high school. She wrestled at Seirin high school after spending her first two years with other sports teams (kendo in her first year and basketball in her second). After wrestling at school she was scouted by All Japan Pro Wrestling. After about three years she left All Japan Pro and spent a three years in America working with Insanity Pro Wrestling. She retired from there in 2011 at the age of 24. She moved back to Japan and worked for New Japan Pro Wrestling until 2014. She joined NXT in 2014 till 2015 making it her shortest time spent in a wrestling company other then when there was a merge between IPW and CZW where she was there for a few months. 

Relationship with WWE: The Company goes to Japan looking for new talent. They find her in 2014 where she spends a year in NXT before coming to Raw and surprising friend from Insanity Pro Wrestling wrestler Jon Moxley or Dean Ambrose. Because of trips to the US to see some friends she knows Roman and Seth as well.

Move set: She likes doing spears and super kicks but she also specializes in top rope maneuvers. She does an inverted figure four lock where she does a backbend and hooks her fingers under her opponents chin and pulls them up. She calls it Autumn Mountain Pain (AMP) because her last name Akiyama means Autumn Mountain. In Japanese it's called Aki no yama no itami.

Relationships in general: She still talks to her former IPW fellow wrestler Jon Moxley, now known as Dean Ambrose. She keeps her movement from NXT to Raw a secret to surprise him. She still has relationships with her former basketball team from Seirin, specifically Hyuuga and his girlfriend Riko. She also stays close with Kagami and Himuro, often visiting them in the United States. During these visits she surprises Dean. 

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