Chapter Thirty (30)

Start from the beginning

"Yes you do! I've been to your house Keith Jase Waters!" Catherine was shouting at him now.

"That's my parent's home--" he didn't have time to defend himself. Before he finished his sentence, Catherine had dropped her clothes and pulled at Keith's shirt, bringing him closer to her. What I would do for a bucket of popcorn right now. She whispered something very low and threatening to Keith, his eyes bulged out wide before he coolly shook his head.

She let out a loud sigh of frustration and pushed Keith a few inches away from her and snatched Olivia's arm, leading her out the store. "I want my clothes!" Olivia protested when Catherine's yank sent her clothes flying away. Saying Catherine was pissed was an understatement.

"What'd she say?" I asked Keith, he was still in shock.

"She--uh--said she'd broil my head in a kettle if I didn't pay for her shit."

I began laughing and Keith glared at me. An employee passing by glanced at his and when he saw the clothes his eyes went wide. He pursed his lips together and began walking over to us. "Did you hooligans do this? I ask that you not get your freak on while on the clothes." the boy said, rolling his eyes and shifting to one leg.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Don't play dumb with me. His shirt's all crumpled up and your lipstick looks faded. Obviously you were doing something. I'll pick up the clothes this time but don't do it anyway, I know how hard it is for couples to keep to themselves."

"We didn't do--"

"We'll try, sorry." Keith interrupted. I shot him a confused look and he returned it with a grin. The boy picked up the clothes, shot us one more warning look and walked away. I looked back at Keith only to find him trying to cover his laughter by hiding his mouth. 

"You're a douche." I stated.

"But I'm your douche," he smiled.

"Keith, we've been over this." I couldn't blaming him for thinking I was on the market again I had resumed my shameless flirting. I have a really hard head, if you weighed a boulder and my head, I'd win. 

"No we haven't. Why are you always acting so hard to get? I like you and you like me, so why not react on it?" he asked, keeping up with me as I put the clothes I supposed to buy back on the hook and sped toward his car. I hated this conversations, he somehow got me into saying something I didn't want too and I hated how vulnerable I was around him. 

"I'm not playing hard to get Keith, have you thought maybe I don't like you." I argued while trying to yank his car door open, he hadn't unlocked it. Maybe if I pulled hard enough I could rip the car door open. He was behind me by now, I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. I glared up at the sky. 

"I doubt you don't like me Alex." he said, leaning back on the car next to his and smirking. I rolled my eyes.

"Take me home."

Now he looked annoyed, "I don't fucking get you! There are times when you act like you want to be with me. The next second I turn around you're completely ignoring me and moving on to the next guy like I don't have any fucking feelings! Listen, I really don't have time for your games. I don't know if this is something you did in NJ but you can't have your cake and eat too."

"Should've said that when you decided to cheat on me." I said stubbornly.

"Are you ever going to forget about that damn night?! Isn't it obvious I cared for you if I jumped in front of a car for you? I can't even see green anymore! Doesn't that mean anything to you? Or are you too busy caring about yourself?"

I didn't say anything, he was right. I was being selfish to a large extent. I'd caused him to lose green, that's basically the tree leaves, grass, and other figments of nature I don't feel like mentioning. He waited for a response and when I didn't talk for a long time he rolled his eyes and began to walk to the driver's seat.

"Wait, Keith?" I sighed. I had to do it now, I might not get another chance if he walks away now. He turned around and I immediately pulled his arms so he was closer to me and then let my lips find their way to his. They moved perfectly in sync with each other and before we could get any farther I pulled away. 

I took a large breath and opened my mouth, "Keith if you're willing, I'd love to give this dating thing another chance.

He smiled.

Love the song on the side. Anyways, I haven't replied because I was grounded but I was taken out early because of good behavior. I'm such a kiss-up I cooked my parents burgers and other food they might like :D I was a good child. Anyway 25 votes, and comment xoxo. so what do you guys think of Keith+Alex? COMMENT!!!

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