The Beef.

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I'm usually not the one to get into celebrity mess. BUTTTTTT! I really like Nicki. I personally don't like Meek Mill with Nick. I ship her and Aubrey more. I can't lie, Meek went in on Aubrey and my baby daddy sadly didn't make that good of a come back. I really want to know who peed on Drake and what was said to make Meek soooooo upset. Can anyone provide me with answers? Did someone sing that song instead of Aubrey? Who peed on him? Why is Meek so mad? When is the beef going to stop? Why Drake let him go in on him like that? Why Meek so damn aggressive?


May y'all please comment below with thoughts, answers, or comments of this whole beefing between them two.

If y'all haven't heard the disses, listen to Meek's first then Drake's. I did it the other way around so I want to see what it sounds like to y'all. Should I post the URLS in the next chappie or y'all got it? I don't know. This just really has me tickled. But y'all know wassup. Comment below and let me have it.

Love all my tootaaasss!!


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