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*~* AVERY *~*

I woke up feeling like I was melting. My head was throbbing and I feel as if I'm burning up in hell or the Sahara Desert. I shook it off thinking it was because it's summer or whatever and cuddled back into Gilinsky's bare chest. After a couple minutes, I begin to feel extremely nauseous. I quickly jump out of bed and run towards the bathroom and puke my guts up into the toilet. I sat down on the floor after flushing my guts down the toilet and waited to see if I fell better. No luck, I puke again, and again, and again, until finally someone wakes up and comes to check on me.
"Oh my God babe, are you okay?" Jack asks with his slight retainer lisp.
I cry. "No." I puke again.
He comes behind and holds my hair back, his fingers grazing my neck. "Fuck Avery, your neck is really hot. You're burning up." He sounds scared.
"I know." I cry. "Jack. I'm scared. I don't know what's wrong with me." I sneeze and end up puking a little bit more. I cry harder, causing me to puke more.
Soon, Sammy is awake too and is with Jack and I in the bathroom. Finally, around 6:30 or maybe 7, after I've been puking nonstop for at least an hour, the guys frantically call Bart. They put the phone on speaker for a moment so Bart can hear me getting sick.
"Bart, she's been puking for an hour and she's only stopped once or twice. Other than that it's nonstop puke." Sammy says into his phone.
"Oh my God what's wrong with her?" I hear Bart ask.
"We don't know...."
A couple minutes later, Bart arrives in our room and helps Jack and Sammy carry me out to the awaiting ambulance. I'm still puking which is crazy because I should have stopped by now, I literally have no food left anywhere in my body, but I haven't which is why everyone is worried. Sammy and Jack ride in the ambulance with me and I'm not sure where Bart is.
I don't remember arriving at the hospital because next thing I know, I'm waking up in a hospital bed, an IV stuck in my arm putting who knows what into my body or taking who knows what from me. Sitting in chairs next to me are my two dozing best guy friends while Bart, Taylor, Dillon, Matt, Nash, Cam and the others stand or sit in random places around the room.
I groan, feeling like shit. "What happened?"
Bart walks over towards my bed. "Hi Avery. I'm so glad you're awake. How are you feeling?"
"Confused and shitty. What happened?"
"You came down with some rare bug of some sort that's like the stomach flu but isn't and it made you really sick. You puked until they finally gave you medicine and knocked you out to run tests."
"Yeah. You were asleep for a couple hours and now it's around 10."
"They are gonna make you stay the night in the hospital just to make sure you're okay now and stuff. And if you are then you'll be released and your group will fly to Vegas for the last two shows before the break."
"So as long as I'm healthy tomorrow when they check on me then I'm allowed to fly to Vegas but I'm still not allowed to perform right?"
"Right. You guys still can't perform tomorrow or Wednesday but you watch and meet fans, I'll allow that much."
"Okay. Thank you Bart."
"You're welcome."
I look over at Gilinsky and Sammy who are both dead to the world in their chairs. They're both so perfect and adorable. God, I love them so much.
"Johnson and Mallory are gonna be heading up here to see you in a few. Is there anything you need from your room?" Bart asks.
"My phone and some clothes for tomorrow would be nice, thank you Bart."
"No problem Avery. Feel better." He pats my leg before walking back to wherever he came from and texts Jallory.
For the next twenty or so minutes till Jallory show up, I sit there awkwardly, unsure of what to do. Finally they show up and Mal tosses me my phone. When I unlock it I discover at least 40 text messages from the Magcon group message and a few from some of my friends at home.
I scroll through the messages, noticing how most of them are about me, and then go on Facebook.

Avery Mel-Hone --> Friends of Friends
Ughhhhh -feeling sick & dying 😩

I scroll through my newsfeed and see a post of my older brothers.

Asa Mahone
Yooooo. Lms & I'll post my fave memory with you on your TL!

I laugh at how goofballish my brother is like his status because I'm curious of what the memory is for us. I continue scrolling through Facebook for a few before I get a notification from Asa.

Asa Mahone->Avery Mel-Hone
Hey little sis :) how's Magcon? My favorite memory with you is when we were little and we were at the park next door to our old house with Adam and we were playing tag and Adam shoved me down and I cracked my head open and was bleeding all over the sidewalk and you freaked out and started bawling and couldn't figure out what to do to help me so you cried and ran around me for a bit before you finally went inside to get dad to come outside. 3 year old Avery was the best 😂 Okay just kidding, my favorite memory with you little sis is when I graduated and you cried and held on to me afterwards and told me I could never leave you and I told you that I was your older brother and that I would and could never leave you because someone needed to protect you from assholes. Then you told me how amazing I was and how I was the best. ☺️ Then we spent the entire last two weeks before I went off to college hanging out. I love you little sis and remember, I always got your back unlike Adam Mahone since that loser is always busy 😂 I love you, come home safe, see you on the 4th.

I smile at his sweet post. I like it and type a comment to him.

Avery Mel-Hone: Awww big bro I miss you :,( see you soon okay?

He replies back almost instantly.

Asa Mahone: Okay. Love you munchkin. Stay safe. ❤️

Avery Mel-Hone: Love you too ❤️ I will. Tell everyone hi & give them hugs/ kisses for me 😬

Asa Mahone: Will do.

I like his comment then go back to my newsfeed. I find out that one of my ex best friends from sophomore year is a whore and is pregnant with her 22 year old bf's baby and that her bf is going to jail for rape. I laugh to be honest. She deserves it for being dumb. She's barely 17 god damn you shouldn't be fucking stupid like that.
I end up falling asleep again and when I wake up, it's afternoon and almost everyone has left me to go get ready for Magcon at 7. My group stays with me and keeps me company.
"I was so scared, Ave, that you were dying." Jack says.
"Me too." I say truthfully.
"But it's all good. You're alive, you're better and you can join us once again." Sammy smiles at me.
"I know, thank God."
About an hour later, Bart comes back to get us and the doctor releases me early because I'm perfectly healthy now. He only tells me to take Advil for any headaches I may get and to take antacid tablets or eat peppermint candy for stomachaches. I pull the covers back and get ready to climb out of bed when I remember that there's a giant slit in the back of my hospital gown. I shoo the guys out of my room so I can change into the clothes Mallory brought me which happen to be a lightweight grey sweater, sports bra, black thong and yoga pant style shorts.
After I get dressed, I get checked out of the hospital completely and follow the others out to the limo. We head back to the hotel and Bart has us get ready for Magcon even though we aren't allowed to actually perform in it the rest of the shows before break.
At 4:30, we leave for dinner and head to a local Italian restaurant. After dinner, we head to Magcon and get ready for the event. Finally at 7, it starts and the Jacks, Sammy, Mal and I stay backstage.
"Sorry everyone, but tonight the Jacks, Avery, Sammy and Mallory are not allowed to participate in the event. They will still be meeting you guys afterwards though." Bart announces.
I can't wait to meet the fans.

A/N sorry these chapters are way late.... 2-3 more chapters coming later today/ tomorrow. I love you and I'm sorry. Please comment and vote, I love hearing what oh guys think of the story.

-Shelby Lynn Horan Jolinsky Rupp 🙈💕

Doing It Right *a Sammy Wilkinson, Jack Johnson & Jack Gilinsky fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now