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*~* GILINSKY *~*

After Tennessee, we take a break for couple of days- a couple of days being like two but yeah. The next destination after that is Miami, Florida so Avery, Sammy, JJ and decide to spend our two free days in Florida enjoying ourselves. It's paradise. (A/N that song's legitamentally playing rn thru my speaker. At 1:09am as I write this chapter instead of writing the idea I have for wildlife. #yolo)

"Averyyyyyyyy." I call to her from where I'm laying on my bed in my room. (There's two rooms and Avery is being a meanie and is keeping a room to herself because Sammy and JJ and I keep fighting over her. That's horrible right?)

"What Gilinsky?" She calls back through the open door that connects our rooms.

"Wanna go swimming with me? You know instead of you reading that book or whatever you're doing in your room instead of hanging out with me." I reply.

"Reading something on the internet but... Sure. Give me a couple minutes and then we can go."

"Okay. Yay thanks."

"No problem." She replies back and shuts the door dividing our rooms, probably so she can change.

But score I get to be alone with Avery because Sammy and JJ went to the mall and Avery and I didn't wanna go. I mean she didn't wanna go and I decided to stay behind with her to keep her company.

After fifteen minutes, Avery is ready to go. We head out to the car and I drove us to the beach.

At the beach, not a lot of people are there because a storm is supposed to be coming in soon and people are pussies. It's just rain good lord. Oh well Avery and I get the beach pretty much just to ourselves. That's fantastic.

Avery and I end up running around in the ocean and being crazy and what not. It's a whole lot of fun.

"Ave, this is fun." I smile down at her.

"Yeah. It is!" She grins.

Just then, it begins pouring.

"FUCK!" We scream and run ashore, grabbing our stuff and rushing to the car.

In the car, we wait for the storm to pass, and when it continues to pour harder and harder and there's thunder and lightning involved, we decide to call it a day and head back to the hotel.

Back at the hotel, Sammy and JJ still aren't back because they're stuck in some traffic because someone crashed and what not. (It's a bad accident.)

I let Avery leave for her room and give her about an hour to get ready and clean up and stuff before I knock on her door. "Hey Avery?"

"Yes Jack?" She replies back.

"Do you wanna go get something to eat?"

"Sure." She replies opening the door and giving me a big smile. "Where?"

"I don't know. I'll let you pick." I smile. She looks so gorgeous with her hair up in a messy bun and she's wearing an oversized greyish green colored hoodie that I know she bought at Oakview Mall (because it was just me, her, Mallory and JJ at the mall that day because Sammy was sick and stuff) and black spanx. Wow. Why does she have to be so perfect!?

"What?" She asks, looking at me quizzically with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing." I reply a bit embarrassed that I was spacing out while looking at how gorgeous she is.

"C'mon Jack just tell me."

"I was thinking about how you look pretty with your hair up in that messy bun..." I reply embarrassedly.

Doing It Right *a Sammy Wilkinson, Jack Johnson & Jack Gilinsky fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now