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A/N that's the dress Avery was wearing. Okay? 😂🙈 I think it's gorgeous lol. -SLJW 🙈💕

*~* JACK J *~*

Avery in that dress is going to be the death of me. Literally. She looks beyond gorgeous in it and I know I'm kinda with Mallory but that doesn't mean I can't think my other best girl friend is gorgeous. Right?
We all just left the hotel and are headed to the venue in a limo. Tonight's event is tiny- only about 75 girls compared to the usual 100 or so- so we are meeting each fan afterwards.
About fifteen minutes later, we arrive at the venue. We head in and get ready to do our stuff. ☺️
While I'm finishing getting ready in this one room, someone comes up to me from behind, placing their hands over my eyes. "Guess who?"
The voice sounds very familiar. It's almost sounds like... "Mallory!" I ask excitedly and turn around engulfing her in a hug. "Baby, what are you doing here?"
"I came to visit for the remainder of Magcon till the break because I missed you."
"I missed you too. Oh my god I'm so happy you're here." I hug her again.
"I can tell." She giggles when we pull apart. "So.... You know I missed your kiss right babe?"
"Of course." I say, taking her hint and press my lips to hers. We end up full on making out and pull apart when someone clears their throat. We pull apart and Jack, Sammy and Avery stand there, all of them trying to hide a smile or a smirk. 🙈
"Mallory! What are you doing here?" Avery asks excitedly.
"I missed you guys! And I got kinda lonely to be honest."
"It seems a lot like you and JJ have something you're hiding from us." Jack smirks.
Mallory blushes a bit. I'm sure I'm doing the same.
"Well?" Sammy laughs, smirking.
"We already had a conversation about this, Samuel." I tell him with a laugh.
"I know."
"So Mallory and I are kinda dating...." I say shyly.
She looks up at me. "What do you mean kinda?" She giggles.
"Have I officially asked you out yet?"
"Not that I remember....."
"Exactly," I laugh. "Anyways, I don't know what Mallory and I are but I really like her and ya."
"I really like you too." Mallory says smiling and kisses my cheek.
"So hey, let's continue our reunion after Magcon." Jack laughs. "It starts in like a minute."
We get ready to go out and I give Mallory one last hug and kiss before I run out onstage with everyone else but Avery, who stays backstage as well.
The small crowd of girls gets really pumped up and it's great. Knowing that they're pumped up for all of us having fun makes me really happy. We interact a lot with the crowd and answer a bunch of their questions.
"Jack J, is that Mallory backstage?" A fan with pink hair asks.
I turn around and look to where she was looking and sure enough Mallory is back there looking at me and smiling. I smile back then turn around. "Yeah guys. That's Mallory. She came to visit me and the others."
"Can she and Avery come out here?" A different fan asks.
"If they want to." I reply.
"We want to." Mallory and Avery say from backstage and walk out to join us.
The crowd cheers excitedly and are very welcoming to the girls. They even include the girls in the Q&A.
"Mallory, are you and Jack J dating?" A girl with huge hoop earrings and beach blond hair in a high bun asks curiously.
Mallory looks at me. "I don't know.... Jack hasn't really officially asked me out yet...." She smirks a bit, obviously trying to hint at something.
"Ms. Thompson, are you hinting at something?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.
She bites her lip adorably. "Maybe."
The crowd awes a bunch and I just smile at her. "Well, Mallory Thompson, will you be my girlfriend?" I ask a bit nervously.
She grins. "Of course Mr. Johnson." Then she walks over to me and pecks my lips. "I would love to be your girlfriend."
She's so cute and perfect and she's all mine. 😍🙈
After Magcon gets over for the night, we head back to the hotel and go back to our rooms to get ready to go to bed and stuff.
I almost forget that I'm sharing a room with Avery until after Mallory and I have started making out and Ave awkwardly walks in on us. Mal and I pull apart quickly. "Uh, I think I'll let you guys keep the room to yourselves and catch up. I'll room with G and Sammy." Avery says awkwardly.
I look at her. I don't know if it's a good idea for her to be alone with the two boys who love her but okay, whatever she wants to do. 😂
"Okay. Thanks."
"No problem." She picks up her stuff and goes next door to join Sammy and Jack.
"That was awkward." Mallory giggles.
"Just a little but oh well. Let's pick up right back where we left off." I wink and press my lips back to hers for one of the greatest makeout sessions of all times.
I can't believe I finally got the guts to ask her out and now she's all mine. 😍

Doing It Right *a Sammy Wilkinson, Jack Johnson & Jack Gilinsky fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now