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*~* TAYLOR *~*

"Bring me back a girl!" My best friend Dillon demands as I get ready to leave for Florida to go to the MAGCON event in Miami.
"Dude, you're going with me, remember! Find your own girl!" I laugh at him and continue packing.
"Ugh. I forgot I was going with you. Shit."
"The flight leaves in literally like 2 hours. Get your shit packed! Holy shit!" I scold.
"Okay I'll be there in like 45 minutes." Dillon tells me over the phone, hanging up on me.
I roll my eyes. My best friend is an idiot. A complete idiot. He needs to pack if he wants to go on this God damn trip!
I finish packing all of my stuff I'll need for the 2 days in Florida and then the 2 days after that in Virginia- Matthew's hometown actually. Then we will have another two days of shows in Chicago, two in Vegas then another small break.
I check the time. The flight leaves in an hour a half. I text Dillon.

TO: Dillon 😎
Dillon hurry the fuck up man. The flight is in an hour and a half. & we need to go through security!

FROM: Dillon 😎
I know. I know. I'll be there hopefully in about 15 minutes.

TO: Dillon 😎
How about I just come pick you up?

FROM: Dillon 😎
That works too I guess.

I laugh at my best friend and gather up all of my stuff, making sure all of my electronics are in my carry on backpack and that everything else is in my huge ass rolling suitcase.
"Okay mom I'm leaving for MAGCON!" I tell my mom as I head for the front door.
"Okay dear, have fun. Be safe. Don't do anything stupid."
"Me, stupid?" I ask putting a hand over my heart, shocked.
"Yes stupid. And your dad and I will go pick up your car at the airport so you don't have to worry about leaving it there for a little over a week."
"Okay, thanks mom."
"No problem. Love you Taylor."
"Love you too mom."
She hugs me and kisses the top of my head. "Behave and make sure Dillon does too." She laughs.
"Will do." I salute her and take my stuff out to the car. I head back in the house to go say bye to my "baby" brother.
"Bye Taylor! I'll miss you!" He runs into the middle of my chest.
"Bye Tristan." I laugh ruffling his hair. (A/N what tf is his little brothers name? Bc I heard it's Jordan but I also heard it's Tristan... So he's Tristan in this one. Also if anyone knows Jack Gilinsky's older sisters name that would fantastic if you would please tell me it 😂 please lmfao -Shelby 💕)
"Have fun! But not too much fun!"
"Yeah you heard your brother, not too much fun." Dad jokes then hugs me goodbye.
After saying goodbye to them, I wave goodbye and remind my parents where my spare key is- it's on the hook. Then I go out to my car and head to Dillon's, calling him as I drive. "Okay, I'll be there in a few. Hurry your ass up. Be waiting and ready for me when I get there. We have an hour till our flight leaves."
"Okay! Will do. I'm packed sooo I'll be outside waiting for you then."
I hang-up on him and continue driving my beautiful white corvette to his house. 😍🙈 it's my baby by the way. 🙈when I pull into his driveway, he runs to my car and throws the stuff in the trunk. Then we're off to the airport.
When we get to the airport, I park the car and grab all of the shit we will need, then we rush through security and everything else.
We barely make it on the plane in time. Shit 😂 On the plane ride, I am on Twitter doing random following sprees and tweet spams and yeah it's crazy. 😂 Dillon and I also create a YouTube video together and I'll edit it later. But basically, we are just goofing off a lot and it's a lot of fun.
Finally, we are to Miami and we get off the plane and head off to grab our luggage from baggage claim. We are then greeted by Bart and Cameron.
"Okay gentlemen, we'll be heading back to the hotel. Taylor and Dillon you can share a room then tomorrow Shawn will be joining you two. Cameron you're with Nash. Now let's go." Bart explains as we grab our stuff and head to the limo.
When we get back to the hotel everyone ends up going to Cash's room. Avery's even here! I love her! She's the awesomest. 😂
We end up staying up talking and goofing off while playing pointless games that teenagers play- so truth or dare for example- till around 2am and decide it's probably best to go to bed since we have Magcon tomorrow and everything.
Dillon and I go back to our room and get ready for bed. As we lay there in our beds- me in the one bed and him on the couch because he's weird like that- he mumbles a goodnight along with, "Dude, there better be some hot chicks there tomorrow or I'm gonna cry."
I just laugh and him and fall asleep, agreeing with him. There BETTER be some hot chicks tomorrow!

A/N haha so it took me three fucking weeks to write this chapter tbh haha. Anyways. Yeah. Hope you enjoyed. I love you all. 😘💕🙈

I love you all. Vote and comment for this story and lemme know if you have any ideas. ☺️

KK bye now. 😘😎

-Shelby Lynn Gilinsky Johnson Grier Rivera Wilk Collins 🙈💕

Doing It Right *a Sammy Wilkinson, Jack Johnson & Jack Gilinsky fanfic*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن