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~ ❤️ ~ AVERY ~ ❤️ ~

"Ave! Where have you freaking been?" Sam asks me worriedly wrapping me in a hug.

"Ummmm sleeping...." I reply giving him a weird look.

"Are you okay? I'm glad you're okay!"

I laugh at him. "Yes I'm okay babe. I was just exhausted from everything that's been going on recently. Plus I'm a hormonal teenaged girl. Occasionally I need naps and stuff."

"Oooohhhhh I gotcha." He winks.

I roll my eyes. "You're so stupid Sam."

He sticks his tongue out at me. "I know. But that's why you love me!"

"Exactly." I smile cheekily at him.

It's so cute how overprotective and adorable Sam will get at times. Like if I don't answer my phone right away, he freaks out and thinks something bad has happened to me. It's adorably sweet!

"So whatcha wanna do today Sam Sam?" I ask him.

"I wanna go and see a movie!"

"What movie?"

"It's a surprise!!!!!!!!!" He grins, grabbing my hand and dragging me to his car, me giggling the entire time.

"C'mon Wilk. What movie?"

"You'll love it. Promise." He winks.

"Ummmm okay?" I reply.

- - - - -

About 15 minutes later, we arrive at the movie theatre. Sam orders 2 tickets to see Neighbors.

"Are you over 17?" The blonde working the ticket counter asks Sam.

I roll my eyes. Stupid blond. Haha.

"Yes..." Sam replies.

"Okay." She hands us our tickets and we go find a seat in theatre number 7.

Sam and I immediately pull out our phones to check social media. A minute later, I get a twitter notification. I click on it.

Sam Wilkinson @sammywilk

On a date with the bae 😍@LetMeBeYourAve ❤️❤️

I grin and retweet it then tweet a reply to Sam.

Avery Mahone😎 @LetMeBeYourAve

@sammywilk we're on a date???? 😋

Sammy retweets it and favorites it.

Sam Wilkinson @sammywilk

@LetMeBeYourAve do you not want it to be a date? 😩😫😧😳😕

Avery Mahone @LetMeBeYourAve

@sammywilk idk, do you want it to be???

Sam Wilkinson @sammywilk

@LetMeBeYourAve well.... I guess? 😋

Avery Mahone @LetMeBeYourAve

@sammywilk 😋 you're too cute bae. ❤️😘😍

Sam Wilkinson @sammywilk

@LetMeBeYourAve thanks bae. You are too 😍❤️

I turn to Sam and smile at him. "I love how we're sitting like literally an inch away from each other and are tweeting each other." I giggle.

"Let's see how many retweets and shit we get up to." Sam replies.

"Okay." I giggle again.

I like being with Sammy. I mean I've known him like my entire life but still. I just love being with him. In fact, we've known each other since we were like 4 or 5! We met at the basketball court a block from our houses. I'm not really that "athletic." I mean I'm good at basketball but that's only because I grew up with two older brothers: Asa (20) and Adam (21) and a younger brother Aden (15). But yeah anyways I met Sammy at the basketball court when I was there with Asa and Adam (Aden was a tiny baby at the time Sam and I met). And Sammy joined us and it was fun. Then we got to kindergarten and I met a rapping little boy named Jack and another singing little boy named Jack as well. Sammy and I got along really well with the Jacks and thus a beautiful friendship in the end. 😍

"Whatcha doing babe?" Sam asks, snapping me out of my little flashback land.

"Remembering how we met at the park then a few months later, we met JJ and Gil." I smile.

"I remember that." He grins.

"Really? Haha. Me too!!" I tell him sarcastically.

He sticks his tongue out at me. He mumbles something under his breath, that I can't understand.

"What?" I question.

"Nothing Ave." He replies quickly.

Hmmmm Sammy, why are you acting so defensive? What did you say???

A/N so what do you think Sammy said that he didn't want Avery to know? Also what do you guys think of this story so far? It'd be great if I could get some feedback please and thank you!!!!! Ok love you all. I'm tired and gonna go to bed since I need to be awake in a few hours to start my appointment run for the day (I have to go to the doctor, orthodontist and then the eye doctor. It's sad I know. Lol. But all I know is I'm gonna busy tomorrow-Monday!!!! Anyways love you all!!! 😘❤️😍

-Shelby Lynn Dallas- Franco

^^A/N I wrote the above authors note like 2 weeks ago. While I was on Benadryl and extremely. Extremely. Tired and loopy. And now I'm out of Benadryl and ALSO GUESS WHAT IM ABOUT 90% SURE I HAVE POISON IVY SO UGH. Fml since I'm about to go off to camp again in like 10 hours (as of the time I'm typing this since it's 2:49AM 😂 & I can't sleep for some odd reason and I have to be up in like 6 hours, so I'll post this in about 5 1/2 hours.) Anyways enough ranting for now. I'm gonna try to go to bed. Or get wifi. Either one. Haha. 😂 Night. Wish me luck with life and that the stuff on my wrist and neck ISNT poison ivy 😒 but yeah... Check out my BRAND NEW MAGCON FANFIC. BRAND NEW AS OF: I WROTE A CHAPTER OF IT LIKE 2 HOURS AGO (as of the time I'm typing this up which is 2:52AM) AND AM GONNA UPLOAD IT FOR YOU IN THE "MORNING" BEFORE I POST THIS STORY. But yeah. Lemme know what you thought of this story! Love you all 😘

-Shelby Lynn Dallinsky Wilk ❤️

Doing It Right *a Sammy Wilkinson, Jack Johnson & Jack Gilinsky fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now