Correction to *December 20th, 2014*

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haha sorry this is an authors note..... lol about my one other author's note haha. okayyyyy so who remembers my authors note about Omaha 12/20? wellllllllllll i was rereading it bc i watched the video they posted earlier from the concert and stuff and couldnt remember that song. i was rereading my author's note and realized theres some corrections that need to be made lol

The hot guy who gave me my Clinton Sparks CD was J&J's friend Parker Grogan he's adorable. if you dont know who he is go follow him on twitter: [ParkerGrogan] i found him on twitter like a week ago and he favorited my tweet about him being the guy who gave me my Clinton CD :) and ive been trying literally like all week to get him to follow me back but he wont :( so whatevs i'll give up.

The hot guy wondering around that every girl wanted their picture taken with who looks like a freaking werewolf is Josh Sullivan- haha you know who josh is,  if you dont go watch some old J&J vines, he may appear or go creep upon their IG's/ Twitters lol you'll find josh haha.

THE SONG I DIDNT KNOW THE NAME OF IS THIS BAD BOY RIGHT HERE "Sky is the Limit" by Rebelution NOT Evolution. haha. shelby was just a misinformed fangirl haha. and yeah i fixed it now. lol

sorry that i just had a pointless a/n that no one will probs read bc you guys are mad at me for promising updates and not doing it but i apologize- something came up and i couldnt update Wednesday or thursday or friday. now its sunday night and im thinking i'll update tomorrow tbh.... if i dont forget and if i dont have TOO much homework lol

welll anywho. i love you all <3 hope you had/ are having a fantastic weekend im thinking about postponing my HWD update (again) just so i can go to bed... even tho it's 6:55 but im fr so exhausted rn i just want sleep so ya know. anyways good night guys i love you all. talk to you tomorow! <3

-Shelby Lynn Jolinsky Wilkaloley <3

Doing It Right *a Sammy Wilkinson, Jack Johnson & Jack Gilinsky fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now