OMAHA/ you will love me/ sorry

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Sooooo sorry I didn't update today- we'll Friday- like I originally wanted to, I ended up going to Omaha! It was a lot of fun and my mom embarrassed me at Aeropostale at the Oakview mall 😭 and the lady behind the counter laughed at our conversation. (It was about Christmas ideas and Jack and Jack. Lol 😂)

Anyways. I tweeted a lot about it 😂 uhhhhh if you wanna follow me on twitter it's

@slpottorff13 !!!

Uhhh if you wanna add me on any other social media just lemme know. Lol haha OH kik is @shelbylynn_cookie

And LAST BUT NOT LEAST YOU WILL LOVE ME SO DAMN MUCH WHEN I POST THE UPDATE FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER (icr what chapter I'm even on but I'm gonna try to work on making the chapters longer. Lol.

So yeah ❤️💕😍😘 love you all. I'm gonna go cuddle with the stuffed elephant I got out of the claw machine at the Omaha Golden Corral lol. Guess what I named him- the person who guesses it right will get a chapter dedicated to them. Lmfao. Anyways. Yeah. I love you all. The next chapter will be up sometime tomorrow bc I'm not going to see Taylor anymore because he's gonna be in Cedar Rapids. Not Des Moines. 😭😭😭😭😭😑😑😑😑😑 I'm upset greatly lol. Haha. So now I have a free weekend. And a bf who's being a jerk and is ignoring me and it's pissing me TF off. Like seriously you wanna hangout, we'll text me back? I'm free now but whatever. I'll just sleep all day and update all day instead of hanging out with you.

Sooooo yeah. I LOVE YOU ALL. MUAH. 😘😘😘😘😍 look for the update within the next 20 hours (I would say 12 hours but let's face it. I'm sleeping till at least 2pm if not later. I'm gonna enjoy my free weekend off from work and shit. lol.) Anyways. Yeah. Night I love you all so very much you all mean the world to me and thanks to everyone who have giving me encouraging sentences or paragraphs to read and help cheer me up. It worked btw. Me and the one girl made up but the girl who hates me still hates me so it's whatevs. Lol. 😂 but yeah it just showed me that if I ever need anything, you guys got my back. Thanks again for that. ❤️💕😘

Kk night! 😘

-Shelby Lynn Gilinsky Ruppniff Johnson Wilk Rivera ❤️💕

P.S. My phone I think reset itself. Idk. All I know is that all the words I abbreviate and have created and stuff like WILAY, SWMF, Ruppniff, etc all disappeared and stuff so I have to re-add them somehow and ugh. Lol. Stupid phone. 😂 lol. But yeah sorry I'm rambling.

P.S.S. There's a street in Omaha called Avery St. And then a couple businesses with Avery in the title. I thought that was cool. And yeah that's a nice fun fact there. 😂

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