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•~• Sammy •~•

I'm sleeping peacefully in bed when suddenly I hear my name.
"Sammy. Sammy." It's Avery.
I sit up and look over at her. She's sleeping but she sounds a bit distressed. I begin to try to to wake her up. "Babe, babe wake up, you're okay. What's wrong?" I ask her worriedly.
She sits up quickly and startles me slightly. "I was dreaming."
"Bad dream?"
"No, extremely good." She sighs.
"Then why were you kind of freaking out?"
"I don't know...." In the darkness she looks confused. My poor baby. 😔
"Okay well baby get back to sleep, you'll have more good dreams I promise." I kiss Ave's forehead. "Sweet dreams."
"Thanks." She replies laying back down and cuddling into my chest.
I smile and continue to hold her close to me and try to fall back to sleep. It's somewhere around 2am and I can hear the occasional giggles coming from Johnson and Mallory's room and then light snores from Gilinsky's bed. How the fuck is that kid still sleeping, I'm surprised that Avery didn't wake him up with her freaking out.
After laying in bed a little while I finally fall back to sleep until my alarm goes off around 6:45. I wake up Avery with a kiss in her nose and she scrunches it up a bit.
"C'mon baby, our flight is at 9 and we still gotta pack." I coax, trying to wake her up.
"I don't wanna get up." She whines.
"Fine babe, want me to pack for you?" I suggest.
"Sure." She mumbles.
I crawl out of her arms and walk over to Gilinsky bed to wake him up. "Wake the hell up G." I tell him, jumping on his bed and being annoying.
He wakes up with a groan. "Fuck you." He rolls back over and goes back to bed. Whatever.
I start packing up my stuff so that way then I'm at least ready to go when we leave for the airport around 7:40. I decide to pull on a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt then pack everything else up.
Next I find something for Avery to wear so I lay out a pair of my sweats for her and then a random tshirt of hers. Then I make sure everything else of hers is packed up in her suitcases. I check the time. 7:15. I wake up Jack and Avery and they get ready to leave. I check next door and make sure Jallory is awake and discover they are already gone sooooo can't really do much there......
Around 7:25, I head down to the lobby and take my stuff down there. Bart is down there with Aaron, Taylor, Dillon and Jallory. A couple minutes later, everyone else shows up and we pile into the limos and head to the airport.
The flight to Chicago is really boring especially since Avery is asleep again. She sleeps so much, Jesus Christ. I spend most of the flight on my phone on Twitter and Facebook and texting my family. My mom misses me a bunch and my older sisters, Emily and Annie, do as well. I miss them too. I can't wait to spend the 4th of July with them during my week off from Magcon here in a couple days.
Once we get to Chicago it's the afternoon. Bart tells us our room arrangements then lets us do whatever until 5 when we're going to meet up for dinner. Avery, Mallory, the Jacks and I decide to all shower and get ready for Magcon then explore Chicago.
We run into some fans and get a few pictures with them at the mall. After our mall trip in which the girls spend a lot of money, we check the time and see that it's 4:10. We head back to the hotel and shortly there after we go get supper.
We go to some local restaurant here in Chicago and eat a really yummy dinner. After that we head to the Magcon event.
At Magcon lots of fans ask if Avery and I are a couple. After the sixth fan, I laugh and answer their question. "Nope guys. Sorry no Savery babies anytime soon."
Avery blushes at the mention of us having kids, it's adorable. "Nope. Sorry guys." She says, still blushing.
"WHAT ABOUT JALLORY BABIES!?" A fan asks excitedly.
Johnson laughs. "I don't know...." He looks at Mallory. She begins to laugh as well.
"Hell noooooooooooooooo." She replies. "I don't want any babies anytime soon."
The rest of the Magcon Q&A session involves the fans asking a lot of baby questions and relationship questions.
"Jack G, are you dating anyone?" A hopeful looking fan in the front row asks.
"Nope baby." He replies with a grin.
"Are there any girls you're interested in?"
"I've got my eyes on a few." He glances in the direction of Avery for two seconds then looks past everyone else. Who knows where the hell he's looking or who he's thinking of.
"Ooooh who?" Fans ask excitedly.
He grins at all the girls. "Sorry ladies, my lips are sealed." He pretends to lock his lips and throw the key.
They scream a little bit before they calm down and take chill pills.
The rest of Magcon goes by and nothing real exciting happens. We head back to the hotel and Avery and Mallory want to go get fast food. Seeing as how we are in Chicago and it's 10:30 at night, we all decide to go. (All of us being the Jacks and the girls and I.) We change into comfy bummy clothes and grab our wallets and room keys and head outside in search if McDonalds. Nothing could go wrong.... Right?

A/N sorry this chapter sucked. It'll get better soon. (: next chapter = eventful. WHO HAS A SUGGESTION OF WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN IN CHICAGO!? 😋 anywho, I've got like 34 other updates to work on and only 2.5 days left of my spring break 😭 this depresses tf out of me tbh.

Well, I love you guys. 😘 hope you're all doing amazing. 😘 talk to all of you soon! ❤️

-Shelby Lynn Jolinsky Wilkaloley 🙈💕

P.S. Check out my new Nathan Maloley fanfic 'Wassup'. I promise you'll like it (: Kk bye now.

Doing It Right *a Sammy Wilkinson, Jack Johnson & Jack Gilinsky fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now