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*~* JJ *~*
Mallory is literally too cute. I wake up to text from her.

FROM: My Mal ❤️
Hey babe. I know you won't read this for like 4 hours or whatever but, I can't sleep so I'm sorry if I end up oversleeping and being late for our date. I apologize 100 times in advance. I love you babe. 😘 I'll see you soon. ❤️

I check the time. It's 10:15. I decide to just text her back and talk to her and see if she's awake yet.

TO: My Mal ❤️
Okay babe. That's fine. We can reschedule the date to a different time. It's totally fine. I love you too. Just get some sleep, you need it. Text me when you wake up. 😘

I decide to go back to bed and set my alarm for 11:30.
At 11:30, I wake up and check my phone. No text from Mal yet.
I head to the bathroom and shower and do all my business of shaving and doing my hair and stuff. And then I check my phone again. 12:40. Nothing yet.
Hmmmm. Oh well. I'll just let sleeping beauty sleep. Maybe she'll be awake in an hour...?
Nope. Nothing at 1:30.....
Finally at 2:30, I decide to call her.
"Hey babe." She answers tiredly in her perfect little morning voice.
"Hey Mal." I smile knowing she just woke up.
"What time is it?" She asks.
I laugh. "2:30."
"Fuck! Oh my god JJ I'm so sorry!!!" Mallory replies frantically.
"Babe! It's okay. You need sleep. I totally understand. Do you want me to just come over and we can cuddle and watch movies instead? And I bring food?"
I sense a smile in her voice. "Okay. That works."
"Then I can see my beautiful sleeping beauty."
"Okay. I'll see you soon."
"Okay babe. I love you."
"I love you too." There's a pause on the other side of the phone then she finally speaks. "The key is in it's usual spot babe."
"I know." I giggle. Yes, I giggled, get tf over it.
"Okay babe. I'm going back to bed. Just let yourself in when you get here. I love you."
"I love you too. I'll bring something good for us to eat."
"Sounds good. Night."
"Babe. It's 2:45 in the afternoon." I laugh at her cuteness.
"I know."
"Haha. Okay. Well be there in about 1/2 an hour."
"See ya. Love you."
"Love you more."
"Do not."
"I'll prove it."
"Sounds good to me." Mallory laughs. I love her laugh it's perfect.
"Bye." I say.
"Bye babe." She says ending the call.
I get ready to leave, grabbing a bunch of DVDs and head to the closest HyVee to buy some ice cream. I then go to Burger King and order mine and Mallory's favorites.
When I get to her house, I grab everything and enter the house using the key that's under the mat on her front porch. I go in the house and tiptoe up the stairs to her bedroom, not wanting to wake her until I'm in her room and stuff.
I set everything down and slowly make my way over to her bed. I crawl on the bed, crouching over her. I then begin to plant kisses all over her face in an attempt to wake her up. Soon her eyes flutter open and we look into each other's eyes.
"Hey beautiful." I whisper and kissing her lips softly.
"Hey hottie." She replies back giving me a sleepy smile.
"You're so adorable when you're asleep."
"So what movies do you wanna watch? I brought ice cream and Burger King. And like 20 DVDs."
"Okay." She says sitting up. I'm now kind of sitting on Mallory's lap. It's kind of weird... "Wellllllllllllllllllllllll what movies did you bring?"
"Pitch-" I begin.
"WE ARE DEFINITELY WATCHING PITCH PERFECT!" She says excitedly, interrupting me. -_-
I laugh. "Okay. Okay. Calm down babe."
"I will. Just put the movie in."
"You're adorable." I say slowly beginning to kiss her lips.
"You're adorable." Mal says kissing the end of my nose.
"I know."
We smile at each other and share another amazing kiss before I finally, reluctantly, get up and walk over to the DVD player and tv to put Pitch Perfect in. Then I come back over to My Mal with the food and we eat. And kiss. And watch Pitch Perfect (even though she makes us watch it all the fucking time. No lie).
After the movie, Mal and I makeout a bit... Okay a lot and then you of course know where that leads... We use protection of course! Because... Yeah we don't need any Johnson-Thompson babies running around.
After a nice fun day together, Mallory decides to just let me spend the night since her family is currently out of town and stuff so she can get away with whatever.
We cuddle up close, our practically bare bodies touching; she's in spanx and a sports bra and I'm in my boxers; and kiss a few more times before I whisper,
"I love you."
And we both fall asleep.

A/N sooooo my mom is a bitch. And she's taking my phone away. My phone that's not even technically MINE yet idk wtf she's taking it from me. She's claiming it's bc "I need to do harder in school." But it's bc I'm failing chemistry. Well I'm sorry I don't fucking know anything! I'm sorry the only thing we do in that class is hard af fucking tests and labs. I'm sorry idgaf about school. Like literally, wtf does she care so much. It's my fucking life. She knows MY LIFE is literally on my fucking phone. My literal life being my stories, my internet friends, everything that keeps me alive. Everything.
Now if she wants me like fucking kill myself or something she can take my phone... Not that she would care anyway. -_- she would be happy if I disappeared bc I know for a fact that she hates me. And loves my brother more. Bc my brother is fucking "perfect" and a little angel who never does anything wrong and I'm just a fucking rebellious teen and stuff. Who's depressed and fucking hates most things in life EXCEPT for my wattpad followers/ internet friends. You guys keep me alive. Cassie and Hailey and Lexi and Cara and Jordan (even tho my phone is dumb and deletes her messages when I try to read them) and even Sophia. And Becky. And Erin. And Mahog. And everyone else who I currently talk to from Wattpad and Quotev and Twitter and stuff.
Like literally my mother just doesn't fucking understand. She takes school way too seriously. I'm sorry that I don't care about school mother. Honestly. And I'm sorry I'm such a fucking burden to you.
Maybe I'll just run away bc I know she won't care. At all. Bc she's a bitch. And cares more about my brother than me. Ughhh I'm sorry I'm ranting... Again. It's just pissing me off. -___- Like my brother can get away with WHATEVER TF HE WANTS AND ME? Oh nothing. I can't get away with anything. He can do whatever he wants. He can do after school activities like sports and stuff as 12/13 year old and go places by himself. And me? Nope. Mom wouldn't let me off her damn leash. She still won't. I can't even go to the mall alone. I mean even if I go with a friend she still follows us around.
Well mom I hate to break it to you but
1) I'm not a baby. I'm gonna be 17 years old in 22 days.
2) I hate school and want nothing to do with anything that's not English related. So let me get tf out of ap Spanish IV.
3) I don't wanna go to college so don't fucking force me to go. Okay?!
4) I hate you just as much as you hate me. You gotta stop babying me. Jesus fucking Christ mother.
Oh and another thing?
Stop. Forcing. Me. To. Go. To. Church. I hate it there. I never listen. Bc I don't believe it. Any of it. So stop making me go dammit. -________________-

Ugh. So yeah. I loose my phone tomorrow guys. It was great knowing you while it lasted. I love you all. Goodbye. I don't know how long I'll be without my phone but oh yeah I'm not giving it up. At all. I will fight the bitch for it if I fucking have to. I'm not lying. I literally will. Ok bye for now ❤️😘

-Shelby Lynn Dallinsky Ruppniff ❤️

P.S. Thanks for the 6.53+K views. 😘😘

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