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A/N thank you guys so much for the almost 6.2K views you guys are amazing!!! I'm doing a quadruple update bc of you guys! ❤️😘 but I won't post then all at once. They'll be randomly posted along with my random updates of WILAY tides LW mini Mal paradise NL CYBTO and SIY. :) so yeah be looking for these. Lol. I love you all soooo much. Thanks again! -Shelby ❤️

*~* MALLORY *~*

I think that Gilinsky is crazy. He couldn't possibly love Avery could he? No. He couldn't. I think he's just trying to make a big deal out of things. Or he's over exaggerating or something. Who knows?

After I talk to him, I plug my phone in and get ready to go to bed- well cuddle up under my blankets. I've got a date with JJ at noon and it's currently 6am. FML. I'm only gonna get a few hours of sleep.

I decide to text him.

TO: JJ ❤️😋

Hey babe. I know you won't read this for like 4 hours or whatever but, I can't sleep so I'm sorry if I end up oversleeping and being late for our date. I apologize 100 times in advance. I love you babe. 😘 I'll see you soon. ❤️

I smile and press send and cuddle into my covers finally and then fall into a deep sleep.


I end up waking up to my phone going off. I grab it and look. JJ's calling me.

"Hey babe." I answer tiredly seeing as how I've only been awake for like 5 seconds.

"Hey Mal." I can hear a smile in his perfect voice.

"What time is it?" I ask sleepily.

He laughs. "2:30."

"Fuck! Oh my god JJ I'm so sorry!!!" I say getting up quickly, instantly awake.

"Babe! It's okay. You need sleep. I totally understand. Do you want me to just come over and we can cuddle and watch movies instead? And I bring food?"

I smile. He's the sweetest, bestest guy I know. "Okay. That works."

"Then I can see my beautiful sleeping beauty."

I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. "Okay. I'll see you soon."

"Okay babe. I love you."

"I love you too." I say a huge smile on my face because I know it's true. I'm in love with him, JJ, my best friend. And nobody knows about us... Which kind of sucks.... Because that means we can't hangout and be lovey dovey in public....

"The key is in it's usual spot babe." I tell him.

"I know." He giggles. Yes. He giggles and it's fucking adorable as hell. 😂❤️

"Okay babe. I'm going back to bed. Just let yourself in when you get here. I love you."

"I love you too. I'll bring something good for us to eat."

"Sounds good. Night."

"Babe. It's 2:45 in the afternoon." He laughs.

"I know." I grin even though he can't see me.

"Haha. Okay. Well be there in about 1/2 an hour."

"See ya. Love you."

"Love you more."

"Do not." I argue.

"I'll prove it."

"Sounds good to me." I laugh.

"Bye." He says.

"Bye babe." I say ending the call and falling back to sleep.


I feel lips planting kisses on my face so I slowly open my eyes, leaving dreamland. My eyes meet JJ's perfect blue ones.

"Hey beautiful." He whispers and kisses my lips softly.

"Hey hottie." I say giving him a sleepy smile.

"You're so adorable when you're asleep."


"So what movies do you wanna watch? I brought ice cream and Burger King. And like 20 DVDs."

"Okay." I say sitting up, JJ now sitting on my lap kind of. Kind of.... "Wellllllllllllllllllllllll what movies did you bring?"

"Pitch-" he begins.

"WE ARE DEFINITELY WATCHING PITCH PERFECT!" I say excitedly, interrupting him.

He laughs. "Okay. Okay. Calm down babe."

"I will. Just put the movie in."

"You're adorable." He slowly kisses my lips and I savor every second of the kiss. 😍

"You're adorable." I say and kiss the end of his nose.

"I know."

We smile at each other and share another amazing kiss before JJ finally, reluctantly, gets up and puts Pitch Perfect in. Then he comes back over to me with the food and we eat. And kiss. And watch Pitch Perfect, and all is well. ❤️

A/N JALLORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️ who ships Jallory?! I sure as hell do. I miss Jallory. They're perf together. Haha. So my crush is distracting me right. Well I'm distracting him. We're texting each other. ☺️😊 I really like him guys. He's like the sweetest guy I know. No lie. ❤️😍

Anyways. 1 update down. 13-14 more to go. 😂

-Shelby Lynn Gilinsky Ruppniff ❤️

Doing It Right *a Sammy Wilkinson, Jack Johnson & Jack Gilinsky fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now