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October 21st, 2014

Idek I just created a new word. Well anyways I think I'm legitamentally dying. Or I'm gonna have another emotional breakdown. AGAIN. Idek. I'm shaking and I'm freezing but I'm burning up at the same time and my life fell apart all within a matter of seconds.

So tonight I found out from my ex best friend Faith that Xander is going around saying I'm a bad kisser and stuff. And that he's also just using me for sex. Anyways.

I confronted him. He denied it. Lots of people said that they think he's telling the truth but others are just as unsure as me about it. (That moment when you hear something outside your bedroom window so you stop your uncontrollable shaking for a couple of seconds to listen then it continues even worse than before) anywho.

Things calmed down with that and I forgot about it for a couple hours came back and was texting my friends in the group convo I wanted to join with my friends and stuff.

Well long story short, we all got into another big fight and 2 of the 5 in the group didn't ever say anything the entire time. The other 3 did. 2 of the 3 hated on me and basically said how I'm a conceited bitch and what not who only cares about herself. And also I like every guy that everyone else has liked before. But with Xander no one in my friend group has liked him. And yeah. Then we got onto the topic of my one friends bf and how I liked him "first" and what not and all this other stuff. And then she told me that she knows how much shit I talk about her behind her back and stuff. Bc the other friend apparently told then all. Then I was crying and realized that I'm literally so done. I'm so done with being constantly hated on by "friends".

OH ANOTHER THING. THEY BASICALLY CALLED ME A FUCKING LOSER BC ALL MY internet friends live in other "countries" and that I'm not gonna meet them ever and stuff. And it's like that's not true. Okay there's cassie in Canada. Tiffany in Cali. Emily in Cali. Aranza in Cali. (I'm shaking again. Wtf. I thought it stopped...) Lexi in Louisiana. Becky in Canada. Cara in New Hampshire(?). Sophia in Ohio. That's all I can think of right now off the top of my head but that could be because I feel like I'm gonna barf and I can't think clearly. Ughhh.

But yeah it pissed me off.

Then I told them I was done and they continued anyways bc they couldn't stop it they just had to keep fueling the fire of Shelby's anger and frustration.

And then it now results in me, giving up. Not forever I'm just done for a while. Till like... Idk fuck. Thursday I have class with the one. Monday I have class with the other. Can I skip school on Thursday and fake being sick till the end of the school year. Can I just drop out and be done? Like I'm just so done with public school. Can I take online classes instead? I'm honestly thinking about it to tell the truth.

Anyways. Just wanted to say

1) sorry for this authors note of me complaining once again bc that's all I do is complain complain complain. And talk about myself 24/7 bc I'm conceited. And only care about myself

2) sorry that I'm giving up.

I'll be back sometime. I'm sorry. I love you all. But I'm taking a break. And sleeping my feelings out... If I don't die first. :/ (I'm not thinking of suicide I just meant dying from natural causes between now and when I come back.)

Anyways. Bye now. 😘


P.S. I'm too sad to type the whole name out. Sorry. :/

Completed: 11:56PM ETZ

Doing It Right *a Sammy Wilkinson, Jack Johnson & Jack Gilinsky fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now