Chapter 26: Roller Skates and Concert Tickets

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Chapter 26: Roller Skates and Concert Tickets

"Get up!" I hear someone whisper shout impatiently.

Before I can do anything about it, I feel someone jump on top of Lauren and I, making us both wake up immediately. It's Dinah.

"What. Are. You. Doing," I say through gritted teeth, annoyed that she woke me up. Sleep is one of my favourite things in the world and I don't appreciate being woken.

"I told her to wake you up nicely," Ally points out, shaking her head at the Polynesian. "She just doesn't listen."

"Dinah, what do you want?" Lauren groans tiredly, trying to push the taller girl off us both, but failing miserably. I don't blame her. I wouldn't have the strength to at this time of day.

"The tickets came in meaning that we can take Camila out," she grins, clapping her hands lightly.

This wakes me up further as I realise what she said. You see, Camila's birthday was during school time meaning we couldn't do anything special for her. It's her seventeenth so the girls and I put our money together and ordered her front row tickets to see Demi Lovato in concert as well as Ed Sheeran. Awesome friends or what? Anyway, they hadn't come in the post until today, so that means we can officially give her her gift and take her out.

"Okay, okay," Lauren says, understanding why she's excited now. She motions to Dinah who is sprawled on top of us still and says, "Can you get off us now? We're awake."

She nods and seems reluctant but manages to get off us and leave us time to sit up in our bed. I notice that everyone is here except Camila, so I'm assuming she is still asleep.

"So, where should we take her?" Normani asks us all, taking a seat at the edge of the bed. Ally sits beside her, staring at us all to see who answers.

"I know of a roller rink nearby?" Lauren offers, looking between us all to see our reactions. "We could take her there and have some fun before giving her her present. They even have a cake service so we can get her a nice cake made if we let them know now."

"That's a perfect idea!" Dinah grins, nodding her head. "Now get your lazy behinds out of bed so we can do this."

I roll my eyes at Dinah's cheerfulness and they all leave the room, muttering between each other, probably about the following plans.

"Come on, grumpy pants," Lauren says, looking at me with a smile. "Let's sort this out."

No matter how grumpy and cranky I may be in the morning, Lauren's smile can make me feel better instantly. I smile in return and nod my head, allowing her to drag me out of bed and get ready.


Camila is the type of girl that gets excited over the littlest things, so imagine how she reacts when we tell her we have a birthday surprise.

"Oh my god! Are you guys serious?! This is so cool! Oh my god, I wonder what it is! Can I have a clue?! In fact, don't share! I don't want to know! Wait, I do! Oh my god!"

And there's much, much more she said, but I don't think there's enough time in the world to share that with you.

The girls and I managed to sort out the details for the roller skating rink. The people who own it, do in fact have a cake service, so they said they would make a cake, obviously to extra cost, but we sorted that out. Now, we are all currently driving to the place and Camila has no idea where we are heading.

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