Chapter 17: Final Dances and Embarrassing Parents

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Chapter 17: Final Dances and Embarrassing Parents

I know what you're going to say," he starts nervously, making me feel bad that I don't return his feelings, "but maybe this can change your mind." Before I know what's happening, he begins to lean in and close his eyes. Wait. Is he going to kiss me? Does he want me to lean in too? What?

I don't even get chance to respond before I hear a gasp from behind me. As Duke opens his eyes in confusion, I turn around and see the last person I expected to see.


"Oh- sorry," she says, recovering from her second of shock, "I didn't mean to intrude. I'll just, um," she glances behind her and says, "bye!" before walking around the building at a fast pace.

I turn around to face Duke and see he is blushing intensely.

"Listen, Duke," I say, still feeling dazed at what was just about to happen. He was going to kiss me. My first kiss. Him. And Lauren almost saw. What? "You're a really nice guy and all, but I don't think I'm the one for you. I like someone else and I don't want to lead you on. I'm sorry."

He looks down disappointedly, but nods in understanding. "Um, okay. Thank you for being honest, I guess."

I lean down a little more to see his face looking down. I offer him a sad smile and say, "You'll find the right person some day. But for now, I'm really sorry."

He looks up and nods slowly, a sad smile appearing on his face. "It's okay. Good luck with whoever you like."

"Thanks," I smile sadly at him once more, before slowly walking backwards, desperate to reach Lauren and see what's wrong. "If you'll excuse me, I just need to check on my friend."

He nods and I don't give him chance to speak as I take this as confirmation I can leave, and rush around the side of the building, walking/running as fast as I possibly can in these heels I'm in.

Once I round the wall, I see some more students hanging about here, but no sign of Lauren. I walk past a few students, catching my breath from running as I do. Just when I'm about to give up, I see a glimpse of raven black hair sitting on the bench swing. It's Lauren.

I make my way over to her and when she hears the sound of my heels clicking against the floor, she looks up from her hands.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N," she apologises immediately with a sorrow-filled expression.

I sit down beside her and shake my head. "It's fine, Laur."

She nods slowly and looks back down at her fingers which are playing with each other in her lap. I can't help but wonder why she was there at that time. And if so, how come she gasped when I was about to kiss him? Did she not like him? I guess that explains why she was acting weird around him.

I sigh in frustration and look up at the sky, finding it ironic how we are stuck under the stars together, once again.

"So, did you kiss him then?" she mutters quietly, so quietly that I almost don't hear.

I glance at her and see she isn't looking at me, but at the ground. "Um, no. No I didn't."

She visibly sighs in what I think is relief, and that makes me feel slightly happy that I can say that to her. I mean, I almost lost my first kiss to Duke and I don't even like him like that. It also makes me feel slightly happy that Lauren cares so much. Or at least I think she does.

"Oh, okay," is all she says, but I can see she is smiling softly to herself, no matter how hard she tries to hide it.

"I guess it's a good thing you interrupted then, eh?" I say to her, causing her to finally look up at me, but in confusion.

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