Chapter 10: Scary Faces and Hot Vampires

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Chapter 10: Scary Faces and Hot Vampires

*** your makeup is tagged above and the girls' costumes are there, too ***

Ever since that 'date' that the girls and I accompanied Ashley and Lauren on, Lauren has been extremely happy; she never loses that elated feeling that takes her higher than cloud nine, and I can't help but love it. She's practically over the moon and all because the girls and I got along with Ashley for the second time, without biting each other's heads off.

She must really like Ashley if she cares so much about how we act with her and I have to admit, this does sadden me. To know that Lauren likes, maybe even loves - I don't know, another girl right in front of my eyes without me being able to do anything about it. I try not to dwell on it too much, but that thought always lingers.

The other girls try to comfort me about it, even though I don't ask them to, but I guess they would assume that's how I'm feeling seeing as they know of my feelings for her. I'm extremely grateful for them though, because they are always there for me and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Anyway, today is a very special night: Halloween! Halloween is my absolute favourite time of the year because I get to dress up in anything I want to and scare others for the fun of it.

Usually, Camila, Ally and I go trick or treating together, as childish as it is, because we love to dress up and get free sweeties. I mean, who wouldn't? It's a tradition for us to then meet at Ally's house and turn all the lights out, shutting all the curtains to create complete darkness, then watch a horror movie. We scoff down our chocolates and sweets and cuddle in a huge blanket in front of the TV, enjoying the scares from the movie.

Being Ally, she enjoys the movie but screams every two seconds. It's better than Camila though, who hides under the blanket and misses half the movie yet still finds a way to be afraid. Then we all try to comfort each other in order to fall asleep. It's pretty fun, actually.

However, this year it's different. Seeing as the girls and I aren't at home as we usually are, and that our friendship group has extended, we can't do our tradition. Well, technically we could, just in our dorm room instead of Ally's house, but according to Dinah, Lauren and Normani, there's a Halloween party that's being held in the school's gymnasium. It's held every Halloween and will have fun Halloween games as well as cool-themed food and drink, as well as a DJ and a chance for karaoke. It's awesome, as Dinah likes to say.

So, currently, Ally, Camila and I are all getting ready into our Halloween costumes in our dorm room. We are going to meet the others outside the gymnasium in about an hour because we want to surprise each other with our costumes. Unfortunately, Ashley is also going to be at the party, but Lauren isn't going with her because she said she wants to go with her new friends for a change, which I can't help but find cute. She would rather go with her friends than her girlfriend.

"Y/N, can you pass me my cloak?" Camila's soft voice breaks me out of my thoughts.

I look up and see that she is sat on Ally's bed, getting ready into her costume. This year, she is being the female version of Harry Potter. Yeah, she is never anything too scary because that's just not her; Camila is the sweet, innocent one, not the scary, fearsome one.

I grab the cloak which is on my bed beside me, and throw it to her on the other side of the room. She catches it and starts to straighten it out before placing it over her clothing.

"You've only got an hour," she says after she has her cloak on, then begins to look around, trying to find her Harry Potter spectacles. "You may want to finish applying your makeup otherwise you're going to have to change your costume to a smurf," she chuckles as she picks up her spectacles and places them on her face.

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