Chapter 15: Fireworks and Coach Games

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Chapter 15: Fireworks and Coach Games

Today is the last day we are spending at the campsite before we head back to school tomorrow morning. As much as I've hated doing the exercises, I have to admit that I will miss being out here. I'll miss spending time with the girls and not having to worry about schoolwork or working on the girls' demo, which is almost finished, thankfully. I'll also miss the atmosphere and the woodland. No more clear night skies, only polluted cloudy nights back at school.

Instead of boring team building exercises, the teachers allowed us to do what we pleased today, so the girls and I decided to walk around the forest and play games like hide and seek. It was pretty fun and the best way to finish off this bitter sweet camping trip.

I, especially felt overjoyed because of my newly discovered feelings of Lauren. Whenever I'm around her, I feel overwhelmed by how happy she makes me. I didn't think it was possible to feel this way, but obviously it is. I just wonder how this will play out, but I try not to dwell on that too much because even though I won't admit it, I kind of know how this will all end.

Anyway, tonight we are having a bonfire and the teachers are lighting some fireworks to finish off the trip. They even gave us more than one bag of marshmallows so Lauren didn't need to take two like she planned, which I think she was secretly thankful for, even if she won't admit it.

I'm currently cuddled in a large blanket with the girls, all of us sitting comfortably outside our tent and watching the fireworks being launched into the sky. Blue; yellow; orange; red; every colour you can imagine is illuminating the sky with its vibrance as the sparks come fluttering down and dispersing before more replace them, never leaving the dark sky blank.

I happen to glance at Lauren who is sat on the end and to my right; she's staring up at the fireworks with a grin and looking awestruck, the reflection of all the fireworks sparkling in her eyes. She literally looks so adorable right now and I can't help but stare and admire her beauty. Despite me seeing her in this atmosphere quite a few times now, I'm still not used to how amazing she looks.

Lauren turns my way, breaking me out of my daze. Before I get chance to blush or play it off like I wasn't staring, she smiles brightly at me, her eyes radiating happiness. I can't help but smile back at her, admiring her beauty. She looks amazing when she smiles and I know I've probably said that a million times, but it's true.

"How do you like camping then?" She asks me, slowly enlacing her soft hands in mine and playing with them mindlessly.

I try so hard not to blush as I reply, "It's the best thing ever." And, it is. But, only because Lauren is here.

She throws her head back as she laughs lightly, most likely at my mood change. I don't blame her, really. I've literally been complaining about this trip since I've come here and now I'm saying it's the best thing ever. Bipolar much?

She doesn't reply, but instead looks back up to the sky in amazement, completely oblivious to the fact that she is still playing with my hands. To be honest, I don't mind.

When I turn away from her, I too, look back up at the sky and make the most of my last night here. The way the fireworks light up the sky, the way the cool breeze isn't too cold nor too warm, the way I hear everyone's bubbly chatter from across the bonfire, the way Lauren is using her slender fingers to fumble with mine as she randomly plays with them, all add up and cause me to smile contently. It can't get any better than this.

From my peripheral vision, I see the other girls to my left, staring at me, so I turn to face them and see they all are looking between Lauren and I's hands. Then they all begin to giggle and raise their eyebrows teasingly, aside from Ally who has a look of adoration on her face. I just roll my eyes and turn back to the sky, tuning out their giggles. The only thing I focus on is how Lauren leans in to my side and wraps the blanket around her shoulder so we stay warm.

Yeah, I definitely love camping.


The next morning, the girls and I have to wake up early, along with all the other students and teachers, so we can pack away our things and be ready for when the coach arrives. After packing away our tent and luggage, we eat a quick breakfast which is porridge, as usual, and then patiently wait for the coach to arrive. When it does, we leave it to the driver to stock the car of everyone's luggage as we all sit in the coach. Camila & Normani sit beside each other and so do Dinah & Ally, leaving Lauren to sit beside me. I'm not complaining though.

"As much as I hated some aspects of this trip, I'm gonna miss this place," I hear Ally say from the seat behind me.

I continue to stare out the window and to the still landscape of trees beside the coach. We are still waiting for the driver and teachers to fill the coach and check the campsite one last time.

"Me, too," I reply, thinking back to all the good memories I made with the girls, and especially Lauren.

"So, how was your first camping experience, Y/N?" Normani asks from the seats next to Lauren and I, causing me to look past Lauren and to her.

"Oh, yeah," Lauren says with an excited smile, looking at me with a curious glint in her eyes. "How did you like your first time?"

I give them both a toothless smile as all the feelings and memories flash through my mind from the past few days. I have to admit, it's not been half bad. Definitely better than school. And, despite the bad moments such as the food, the slumber, and the exercises, it's been pretty good. Mostly because Lauren was there to make it better.

I nod. "It was awesome."

Lauren and Normani both nod, then Normani looks to Camila and they engage in a conversation. Meanwhile, Lauren is still smiling at me.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," she says, cocking her head to the left slightly, as she stares at me with a look in her eyes that I can't quite read. "You deserved the break after helping the girls and I with our demo."

I shrug and keep the smile on my face, feeling intrigued by the several different shades of green her eyes currently are due to the sunlight coming through the window. I'm also secretly happy that she thinks I deserve to be happy, too. If only she knew that she was the cause of my happiness.

"Thanks," I say to her, then reassure her in case she feels guilty, "and I honestly don't mind helping you girls with your demo. I get to do something I love as well as helping you all. So, it's a win-win situation. Right?"

She chuckles lightly and nods. "Right." She takes her phone out of her pocket and plugs her earphones in. She holds an earphone out for me to take and says, "Let's play 'guess the song'."

I laugh lightly and nod, taking the earphone from her hand. 'Guess The Song' literally consists of her playing a random song on her phone and me guessing which song it is as fast as I can, and vice versa. It ends up with us discussing each other's music taste and jamming out together, me getting to hear her angelic voice sing along to some of our favourite songs. Also, the other girls end up telling us to shut up or sing something they want to hear such as Beyoncé, Justin Timberlake, or Ed Sheeran.That's pretty much what we do the whole four hours back to school and I honestly don't mind because I get to spend those four hours with Lauren.

The girl I love.


Okay this was short and not much happened, but it was a fluffy filler chapter aha. However, the next chapter is worth waiting for because you're in for a surprise ;)

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