Chapter 6: Hidden Talents and Harmonies

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Chapter 6: Hidden Talents and Harmonies

(Why Don't You Love Me by Hot Chelle Rae ft. Demi Lovato is the song you 'wrote' in this chapter. I suggest you listen to that song (It's tagged above) because the lyrics are vital for your feelings towards Lauren, also it's a really good song aha :))

So remember that English homework I had? Well I finished it and handed it in yesterday.

It took me a while to complete it, but eventually I did. It was actually really fun to write; now I know how songwriters feel when they write a song. And I think it perfectly described my feelings for Lauren without actually mentioning her name.

As well as writing the song, I even managed to come up with a melody, too. It wasn't purposely. I just happened to be writing the chorus and then a tune came into mind and so I put two and two together and then became curious to what it would sound like, so I 'borrowed' Camila's guitar which was laying at the end of her bed, and tried it. Obviously Camila and Ally weren't there; I would never even try to play if they were. It's not that they would laugh, but it's just that Music is there thing and writing is mine. It always has been, it always will be, you get me?

I handed my copy in to Mrs. Chester; it's on music sheets with the notes and lyrics underneath as if for a real musician to play, so hopefully she won't mind. I know it's not a Music class, but she did say to try something new and out of my comfort zone, so I did.

Anyway, today is the day that I get my result back and I'm really curious to know what I got. I can either do really good or really bad, and I'm hoping it's not the latter.

"Y/N?" Mrs. Chester reads from the pile of homework she is giving out.

I raise my hand and she sees me and smiles before walking towards me and placing my homework on my desk. Except this time it has red marker in the top right corner: an A* circled to be exact. Wait a minute. A*. I got an A*. I got an A*!

I look up at her to see if this is a joke and she smiles down at me. "This was really good, Y/N. You have a real talent with writing, and this song is amazing. I may not be able to understand the melody of it, but I know it's good," she chuckles to herself at this bit. "Whoever it is about would be very lucky to have you."

I blush and look back down as she continues reading out names to pass out the homework. I smile to myself as I see I have an A*. This day is going pretty good so far, if I must say so myself.


"Okay, class," Mrs. Chester says, not looking up at us, "you can go once you have finished the questions."

The class and I groan as we are all trying to finish the last few questions. The bell just rang signalling it's lunch time and everyone just wants to eat, but of course the teacher wants us to finish the questions first.

I slowly stand up from my seat as I finish writing my final sentence and I quickly grab my bag, throwing it over my shoulder before grabbing my papers on my desk and racing to Mrs. Chester's desk, placing the sheet of questions and answers on her desk. The class groan as I rush out, jealous that they still haven't finished; I'm just happy I can finally eat.

As I am still rushing out the building, I bump into someone causing me to drop all of my papers onto the floor. Just great.

"Sorry," I mumble as I bend down to pick them all up. Is it so hard to be able to eat?! Gah!

The other person bends down too and begins to pick up some papers. "Me, too." They look up and I see it is Lauren. "Y/N?" She laughs and says, "What's the rush?"

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