Chapter 4: Forgotten Purses and Spanish Dialogues

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Chapter 4: Forgotten Purses and Spanish Dialogues

The next day, we do exactly as Dinah and Camila agreed: we sit with them at lunch.

The first half of the day goes by pretty quickly, and even better than yesterday because thanks to the hangout I had with the others, Lauren actually smiles at me from time to time and says hi. I feel like we are a little closer than before. Not Ally, Camila and I close, but almost there. We (Dinah, Normani, Lauren, the girls and I) did bond quite a bit and I can definitely see us as a friendship group, if they actually like me that is. I think Ashley notices, too because whenever she sees me conversing with Lauren in any way, she glares at me.

Lauren doesn't seem to introduce me to Ashley, which I guess is her choice, but I thought that she would at least do that seeing as it is her girlfriend and we are in almost every class together. Instead, it's almost as if she accidentally doesn't acknowledge her whenever we talk, which I can't help but be happy about.

Through other students, I discover that Ashley is what you would class as the 'popular girl'. And Lauren is equally as popular, but not mean like Ashley; everyone knows who Lauren is and apparently, Lauren has dated a few girls in the past few years she's been here. Which I kind of expected because she is beautiful. She isn't one of those 'hit it, ditch it' kind of girls though, she genuinely wants a good relationship. And I have a strange suspicion that Ashley isn't giving her that. That's probably me being jealous though, so I ignore my silly suspicion.

In classes, I have to admit I do try to steal quick glances at Lauren, and each time, she manages to take my breath away. She listens and watches the teacher intently, occasionally looking down to take notes from the board. Thankfully, she doesn't notice me staring, but I feel like someone else is, so I try to minimise my stares.

All the girls are in the same class as me before lunch, so when the bell rings, we all make our way to Normani, Dinah and Lauren's usual eating place. On the way out of our Maths building, I realise that I left my lunch money in my dorm room, so I stop and say, "Um, guys, please can I go to my dorm room to get my dinner money? I forgot it." I smile sheepishly, hoping they don't get too annoyed; only moments ago, we were complaining that we were starving for lunch.

"It's fine, I can buy it for you," Lauren offers politely with a small smile. "It's only lunch."

As I am about to protest, Ally says, "There's no point in offering, Laur. She doesn't let people pay for her or lend her money."

"She's weird like that," Camila adds, jokingly.

I crack a smile and raise my arms. "New fact of the day about yours truly."

Normani, Dinah and Lauren all laugh lightly and nod, then Lauren looks like she is about to speak but Dinah cuts in, "Lauren and Mani, you guys go and take Ally and Camila to our usual spot and I'll take Y/N to her dorm to get her money."

Lauren seems unsatisfied with Dinah's recommendation - was she going to volunteer to get my money with me? - but she smiles and nods, "Okay, c'mon guys!"

The four of them walk out the building doors, as do Dinah and I, but they head in an opposite direction to us.

When Dinah and I reach my room, I fumble with my keys before opening the door, then look around and see my purse on my bed. I grab it and begin to walk out, but Dinah shuts the door and crosses her arms, staring at me.

A Not So Innocent Crush | a Lauren/You FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant