Chapter 12: Poop Piles and Perfect Teams

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Chapter 12: Poop Piles and Perfect Teams

"Y/N, please can I speak to you for a second?" I hear Lauren say in a nervous tone from behind me.

I look up from the knot I'm tying and see her standing beside a tree, her hands fumbling about at her waist; I've never seen her look more nervous in my life. I nod at her and look back to the rest of the girls who are throwing twigs at each other; real mature.

"Girls? I'm just going to talk to Lauren for a second. Can you finish up this knot?" I say to them as I drop the knot and stand up to dust my jeans off.

We are all currently supposed to be building a trap as part of the 'team-building exercises' we should be taking part in however, it mostly consists of me tying things to other things and wishing for the best as the other girls throw twigs and sticks at each other.

They raise their eyebrows teasingly and share looks with each other, smug smiles never leaving their expressions.

"Sure, Y/N," Ally says to me, biting her lower lip to prevent her from giggling along with the others. "Take all the time you need."

I roll my eyes playfully and as soon as I turn my back, I hear them burst into fits of laughter, most likely imagining the worse. Yeah, they have been doing that since we came to this camp, so I'm used to it by now.

I walk towards Lauren and she turns around, walking a fair distance away from the girls. What could be so important that she needs to tell me in private? I follow her, passing the tall trees and wildlife that surrounds. Eventually, she stops at a random tree, probably content that we are some distance away out of hearing range.

"So, what's up?" I ask her, putting my hands in my jeans' pockets and rocking slightly in place.

She is playing with her fingers and looking down at them, her lower lip being chewed on lightly and her feet shuffling uncomfortably on the spot. She's nervous, weary even. But, why?

"Hey, you okay?" I ask her with concern, placing my hand on her shoulder reassuringly.

She looks up and offers a small smile, but I don't lose an ounce of concern. Her green eyes are murky and unreadable; I can tell that she is about to tell me something serious.

"I'm just going to come right out and say it," she says, breathing out as I remove my hand from her shoulder and grow impatient. "It's now or never."

"Come on, Laur," I say, offering a smile, hoping it makes her feel better, "It's me. You can tell me anything."

She nods and glances at the ground before standing up straight and looking directly into my eyes. Her shuffling and nervous traits die down as she says the next sentence.

"I like you."

I raise my eyebrow, confused to why she was scared to say that to me. "I like you too, silly."

She shakes her head, her expression dead serious. "No, Y/N. I like you. As in more than a friend."

My eyes widen as I register what she's saying. She likes me? Like, like like me? She returns the feelings I have for her? Oh my gosh, this isn't happening.

"I understand that this must be weird," she starts to say, averting her gaze from mine and to the ground, once again, shuffling uncomfortably, "and it's okay to not be my friend anymore, but I just had to let you know because I can't take it anymore."

"Oh, Lauren," is all I manage to get out, my hand wavering over my mouth in disbelief. Come on, Y/N, say something back! Anything!

She tilts her head back up and watches me, chewing on her lower lip nervously. "Um, Y/N?"

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