Chapter 14: Beautiful Night Skies and Sudden Loves

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Chapter 14: Beautiful Night Skies and Sudden Loves

After having quite an eventful day, Ally, Camila and Dinah went straight to their tent after dinner, not bothering to converse with Normani, Lauren and I as we planned. To be fair, we were just as tired as they were so we did the same; the exercises that the teachers made us do were extremely exhausting. Now Normani, Lauren and I are all settled into our sleeping bags, glad to finally rest.

"I can't even be bothered talking tonight," Normani admits, breaking the silence. I can sense the fatigue in her voice and it's as strong as I feel.

"Same," Lauren and I reply in unison, just as tiredly.

"Goodnight guys," Lauren mumbles, turning around in her sleeping bag and most likely closing her eyes to fall asleep.

"Night," Normani and I both say in unison, me shutting my eyes as I try to relax.

Despite how exhausted I am, my mind just doesn't want to let me fall asleep. All I crave for is a peaceful slumber, but nope. All I can seem to focus on is how uncomfortable this hard ground is, excluding my sleeping bag and mat underneath me. Times like this is when I miss my bed from home, not my bed from my dorm, but my actual bed from my house. I don't even know how Lauren and Normani manage to fall asleep so easily.

After god knows how long later, I sit up slowly in my sleeping bag, knowing I'm not going to fall asleep any time soon. I glance to my left and see both Normani and Lauren tucked into their blankets, eyes shut. They aren't moving and their breaths are evened out meaning they are asleep. Good.

I grab the torch from the corner of the tent before slowly escaping from my sleeping bag and out of the tent. After treading quickly but quietly out of the campsite, I make my way to my secret place; the place that overlooks part of the forest and has a clear view to the night sky.

I see the familiar wooden log placed in the middle of the small space so switch off my torch before getting comfortable on it. The sweet scent of fresh air and woodland invades my nostrils and I visibly relax at the calmness of it. Not even the chilling night air that sends goosebumps up my bare arms bothers me. When I look ahead, I feel a sense of peace and serenity. It's a clear sky aside from all the stars sparkling above and the illuminating moon hanging beautifully. The white light reflects onto the forest below and everything looks so picture perfect. It's amazing.

As I'm too deep in thought, I jump immediately off the log, hearing the sound of what I think is a twig snapping. I turn around and sigh in relief, feeling my heart rate decrease. It's not what I expected to see, but it's better than what I thought.

"Lauren," I breathe out, siting back down but remaining facing her direction, "you scared the life out of me. I thought you were a bear coming to eat me or something." Okay, maybe a little over exaggeration, but still.

She laughs melodically, it echoing into the space around us. After taking a seat beside me, we both turn towards the horizon and stare out.

"Sorry," she apologises, still looking ahead. "I didn't mean to scare you. I just saw you leave and thought there was something wrong so came to check on you."

I can't fight the smile that appears on my lips as she says this. She wanted to check on me? She actually cares?

"It's okay," I say, seeing her look beautiful in the moonlight, in my peripheral vision. The way the light reflects onto her makes her green eyes shine ten times brighter than usual, especially in this dark atmosphere, and her raven locks are glimmering with light streaks. Despite her being in her pyjamas and looking exhausted, she still manages to be an obvious winner against the beauty of the forest around us. It's surreal. She's surreal.

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