Chapter 21: Karaoke Nights and Original Songs

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Chapter 21: Karaoke Nights and Original Songs

(The song used in this chapter is called 'Shut Up and Love Me' and it's by Demi Lovato. You don't need to listen to it, but it's a good song and will give you an idea of what's going, so I suggest you do :))

It's been two weeks since Lauren and Ashley broke up. Two whole weeks. Two weeks ago, something I never thought would happen, did.

For the first few days, all I could worry about was Lauren, despite her being fine about everything. After that, it finally hit me that Lauren is single and doesn't have a dreadful girlfriend. Also that I don't need to pretend to be Ashley's friend anymore! Ashley has been avoiding us and to be honest, aside from in class, we never see her.

Other students have obviously heard about Lauren and Ashley's break up and it wouldn't be high school if they didn't gossip, but Lauren does a pretty good job at ignoring it, with the help of us girls, that is.

Anyway, today is a karaoke night that the school have started to make a weekend thing. They are introducing some new activities to the school where we can all have fun and take a break from our studies, this being one of them. The girls and I decided to go there because, well, why not? Maybe even in the nearby future, the girls can perform! Which reminds me, Lauren volunteered to perform tonight because apparently she has a new song she wants to try out; the girls and I are extremely excited to hear it.

"This looks so cool," Ally voices all our thoughts as we step into the school's atrium.

The karaoke night is going to be held in the atrium every Saturday night and let me tell you now; it looks amazing! Fairy lights are strung about the buildings surrounding the atrium, and chairs, picnic tables, mats and beanbags have been strewn about the ground for students to fill. The make-do 'stage' is at the front and is basically a slightly raised platform that has a microphone and musical instruments on. It looks awesome, especially because it's dark out and everything stands out.

There's a lot of students here and it's quite busy as everyone is settling into their seats. I guess this is going to be a popular thing from now on.

As the girls and I are looking around, we catch sight of Ashley and her minions chatting away by the picnic benches. Just great.

We glance at Lauren to see her reaction and she just smiles back at us. "It's okay. Just ignore her and she'll ignore us."

We nod but continue to look at Lauren, wondering whether she is truly bothered or not. Instead, she is just looking around at the newly decorated atrium without a care in the world. Or so it seems.

"I'm going to get ready," Lauren informs us all with a nervous smile. "Get good seats so I can see you!"

We all nod and send reassuring smiles her way.

"Good luck and we can't wait to hear your song, Laur," I say to her with a thumbs up. She just nods my way and walks to the stage area where some people are setting up.

"Let's sit over here," Dinah says, running over to the very front of the 'audience'. There are a few beanbags sprawled there and we all jump on one, having the perfect front seat view of the stage, ready to enjoy Lauren's performance.

After about ten more minutes of waiting, a student who seems familiar, walks on stage with a grin on his face. He speaks into the microphone enthusiastically saying, "Good evening, Eastmont Academy!"

Everyone claps and a few people cheer at the guy on stage. He waves at them and continues. "As you probably know, I'm Lennie Falcon, the students activities director." Oh, so that's where I've seen him before. "It's my honour to announce that every Saturday night, we are holding a karaoke night here in the atrium for all to attend. Anyone can volunteer to sing, whether it be an original song or a cover, as long as you let us know at least a day in advance."

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