Chapter 8: Clingy Camila's and Third Wheelings

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Chapter 8: Clingy Camila's and Third Wheelings

The next morning, I awake feeling refreshed and full of life, something that I rarely ever feel when waking up. But, then I begin to remember what the previous night held and I instantly feel my cheeks heat up at the thought. Maybe she's forgotten about it now. Or, maybe not.

I sit up in my makeshift bed, being careful to avoid making noise seeing as the others are still asleep, and yawn. Of course I would wake up first.

During the night, I would like to say I slept quite comfortably, but to be honest, the start of the night was full of me trying to pry Camila off me. She's just got this thing where she clings onto someone when she's asleep; she's done it ever since I've known her. Eventually, I managed to pry her off me and she began to cling to Dinah instead, not that Dinah seemed to mind. She just treated Camila like a teddy bear by the looks of it, and cuddled her back.

Ally was surprisingly not as annoying as she usually is. She tends to mumble in her sleep without realising and it sometimes gets a bit annoying to the point where she is having a full conversation with whoever. I remember when I discovered it first happening. Camila and I were going to play a prank on her when we heard it. At first, we thought she was talking to herself to creep us out, but then we realised. Anyway, last night, she didn't mumble so much which I am thankful for. I still love her anyway, though, despite her odd quirks.

Normani was perfectly fine - she actually looked really cute with the way she kept cuddling under her blanket and three pillows, which she had to have in order to sleep. She was literally under her blanket and pillows so much that at one point, I was afraid that she would suffocate. When I saw her chest rising and falling in a steady pattern however, I knew she was fine.

Lauren was good, too. She pretty much slept like a normal person. Similar to Normani, she had no annoying sleeping traits about her and only cuddled into her pillows and blanket. Pretty adorable if I must say so myself.

I glance around me and see Camila clung to Dinah in her blanket, Normani dug under her pillows and blanket, subconsciously wiggling her foot every few seconds, signalling she's still breathing, and Ally tucked neatly in her blankets and head on pillow which makes me question how she manages to be organised even when she's asleep. I probably looked like a wild animal, sprawled all over my blankets and yet she manages to look all neat and tidy. I shake my head and chuckle to myself. Only Ally.

I turn my head to my right and see Lauren tucked comfortably under her blanket, too, except her left arm is hanging out the top of her blanket as the other clutches one of the two pillows she has. Her head is tilted on her shoulder and her jet black hair is sprawled around on her pillow. I notice how her chest slowly rises and falls in a steady pattern; how her mouth is slightly agape, taking in small breaths and releasing small breaths; how long and dark her eyelashes are in contrast to her pale skin, shielding her lovely green eyes from my view. She truly looks stunning, even when she doesn't try.

"You stare any longer and I'm sure you'll drool," I hear a voice speak, making me jump in fright. i turn my head to locate its owner.


I blush profusely and look down at my lap, beginning to play with my thumbs nervously, hoping to avoid the dark-skinned girl's gaze.

"It's cute y'know," Normani continues, sitting up slowly in her bed. This just causes me to blush harder.

"Anyway," I start, looking up at her and deciding to change the subject. "How did you sleep? I thought you died from lack of oxygen at least three times."

She nods her head with a laugh and replies, "Pretty good. The floor wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Also, I just prefer to sleep under all my blankets. That's not a crime, is it?"

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