Chapter 42: Finalities and Absolute Teases

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Chapter 42: Finalities and Absolute Teases

"Anything?" Normani asks, looking to me.

I shake my head, letting out a sigh. "Nothing."

The girls and I groan and we continue to sit there at our bench, watching our phones. Only yesterday did we tell our parents about the fantastic news, and it was now lunchtime, meaning we still didn't know if we were allowed to accept Simon's offer. They said they would call us back, but none of us have received a call yet.

"Guys, do you think they'll say yes?" Ally asks hesitantly, looking between us all. I can tell that she doesn't mean to be a party pooper and get our hopes down by asking that, but it didn't exactly help the mood.

"They wouldn't," Lauren reassures us all. But I can see the small amount of doubt in her eyes. "They couldn't. They know how badly we want this..."

I grab my girlfriend's hand and use my thumb to rub circles on her knuckle. She smiles at me weakly, and I bring our intertwined hands to my lips, kissing hers gently. She leans her head on my shoulder and I lean my head on hers. We all wait in silence – I would say a comfortable one, but it isn't. I can sense everyone's unsettling nerves just from the silence, and I honestly can't wait anymore for our parents to ring.

Just on cue, someone's phone rings and everybody jumps from the sound, before searching their pockets to see if it's theirs. Myself included. It turns out to be Ally's phone, and we all watch her with curious eyes as she answers.

"Hey, mum!" she answers, eagerly, before trying to play it cool. "What's up?"

Ally stays quiet as she listens to what her mother is telling her. Her face remains neutral for a while, and I hold my breath at the fact that they may be saying no. But an ear-piercing scream makes me look up to see that Ally is grinning from ear to ear. She looks at us all and gives us a thumbs up, making us all jump from our seat with screams of joy. Eventually, Ally finishes her phone call and joins in with our celebratory cheering.

"I can't believe this is actually going to happen," Dinah says with a grin on her lips. She runs her hands through her hair and literally looks like she's about to cry. "We're actually going to do it."

"I know, DJ," Lauren says, grabbing her hand and squeezing it. "But believe it. 'Cause it's happening."

They all look between each other with tears in their eyes and smiles on their lips. Almost as if they can't believe what's about to happen.

"I'm so proud of you girls," I speak up, earning attention from them all. "You set your mind to something and look where it got you? You're going to be signed to Syco Records."

"All thanks to you," Normani points out, pulling me into a side hug. "And you're going to become a writer. We're proud of you, too."

I smile at her and return her hug. "Thanks, Mani."

"Shall we tell Simon now?" Camila asks, reminding us of the most important part. "Or does that make us seem too desperate?"

Dinah scoffs. "Are you kidding, girl? Let's head to Music right now!"

The tall Polynesian is already walking across the grassy terrain to get to the correct part of the campus, so the girls and I laugh at her eagerness and jog to catch up with her. The walk there, (or should I say jog because Dinah won't seem to slow down) consists of us all wondering what will happen once we say yes. I know I am definitely wondering how this will all play out. What I definitely know is that I'm over the moon for the girls, especially Lauren. I know how much she's wanted this, and to be able to say that she's one step closer to pursuing her dream, a dream that I can be apart of, makes me smile. I won't have to leave her. She won't have to leave me.

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