Chapter 9: Slow Moves and Broken Chopsticks

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Chapter 9: Slow Moves and Broken Chopsticks

"Two games of bowling for seven please?" Lauren's polite voice asks the worker behind the desk, offering her signature smile.

It turns out that we are all going bowling and then getting Chinese for dinner instead of going out to dinner, because then it will be more fun, apparently.

All I know is that I'm extremely nervous because the last time we all went out together, Ashley wouldn't stop annoying me and I couldn't do anything in return because I was trying to make a good impression for Lauren.

Before I know it, I find myself at our bowling lane and the teams are already sorted. It's Normani, Ally and I against Camila, Dinah, Lauren and Ashley. Glorious.

"Y/N, you're up first," Ally says with a grin, from her seat. "Come on! You can do it!"

"Yeah, Y/N, kick their sorry butts!" Normani joins in, fist pumping the air.

I can't help but laugh at their childishness, and nod, beginning to pick up a bowling ball. I test out a few balls, trying to see which one is too heavy or too light for me to hold. Just when I know which one I need, remembering from last time I was here, I'm about to grab it but someone else takes it causing me to look up. Lauren.

"Too slow, Y/L/N," she winks at me teasingly, before standing up straight, ready to have her go.

I feel myself blush and grab a different ball, standing up, ready to have my go. I take my starting position and slowly move forward, releasing the ball from my grip as I swing forward. I hear Lauren's team cheering as she got a strike on the first go, meanwhile mine is still rolling.

"Yay!" Ally and Normani cheer in unison as I get a strike. Wait, I got a strike. I got a strike. I've never gotten a strike.

"Oh my god!" I shout, raising my arms in the air, then turning back around and walking to the others. I high five both of them and turn to see the expressions of the other team.

Camila and Dinah are playfully glaring at me, Lauren is looking at me with a raised eyebrow, her arms crossed and her facial expression resembling "not bad", and Ashley is glaring at me for real which makes me laugh.

The rest of the games are pretty much exactly like that, to be honest. Lauren and I end up being really competitive but in a playful way, Camila and Dinah try to tease Ally, Mani and I but we fight back in return, as friends, of course. Lauren even joins in at times, but most of the time, Ashley is rubbing it in my face by touching her and kissing her whenever she does well.

What annoys me even more is whenever Lauren is bending over to pick up a ball, Ashley just stares. I caught her once and she just smirked at me before looking back at Lauren's butt. Like seriously, does she have any brains at all?

What makes this night tolerable, aside from having fun with the girls, is the smile on Lauren's face. It never leaves and she looks truly happy that we are all getting along. Seeing that beautiful smile on her face makes tolerating Ashley worth it because that's all I ever want to see in life: Lauren being happy.

After having two games of bowling, Lauren's team winning both times, we decide to have some food. We had ordered Chinese takeout that was delivered to this bowling place, so currently, we are all opening our takeaway boxes.

"Told you that we would win," Camila says to me with a smirk on her face. You can tell she's enjoying this.

"No thanks to you," Ally answers for me, still trying to open her takeaway box. "You didn't even get a single pin down! It was all thanks to Lauren on your team."

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