'Jill, if you get this call me. It's super important'  'Jill I'm so worried, please call me.' 'Jill-" 

I slammed the phone shut and sighed. "What am I going to tell them when they ask?" I placed my head in my hands. 

"Tell them that you needed a break, and that Martin sent you on a vacation. They'll belive it." Paul patted my back. 

"We're here JIll, Martin wanted to drop you at the Space Needle. Good-bye." I hopped out of the car and waved to him. 

"Bye!" He drove off, and I started to call a cab. A tap on the shoulder turned me around, and a tiny figure crashed into me.  

I shrieked as we both fell over. I looked her up and down, and grinned. Her outfit was amazing.

"How was Milan?" I signed. Jennifer grinned and handed me her notebook. She started to explain very quickly, but i couldn't catch it. 

"Slow down Jen." I mouthed, and she nodded. I watched as she talked about everything she had seen, and how well her designs had done. I ruffled her hair and tucked the notebook under my arm. 

"I'm so proud of you." She patted down her mousy brown hair, and gave me another hug. The taxi drove up, and she climbed in with me. I gave the driver my address and we started driving through the slow Seattle traffic. 

"I just got home two days ago, and was visiting the Needle. I'm so lucky I saw you." She signed at me and I nodded, giving her another hug.  I watched as her young face turned serious.

"I saw you on the news last night, about the bomb and then your apartment." I waved her off.

"I'm okay now, do not worry Jenny!"  I touched my chin forcefully and shook my head. I did not need her stressing too. We made it to my apartment, and I paid. Greeting Dave the doorman, Jenny and I made our way up the stairs.

"I have to worry, I am your sister!" Her actions were becoming more frantic. 

"You are my younger sister, I am supposed to watch out for you." Opening my door, I threw my keys on the counter. 

"I'm twenty, we have to look out for each other. I'm worried." She sat down on my couch, and turned away from me. I guess that was the end of our conversation.   I sat down next to her and turned on the TV, putting on the subtitles.

"Jillian Clearwater seems to be the thing to talk about lately. After the incident with the Memorial Building that left one dead and many shook up, including the President of the United States.  It was a real puzzle to the authorities on how a bomb was able to be planted in the building at all, with all the security. Barely a few days later, a gas bomb exploded in Clearwater's apartment, and she escaped with a male companion, and was admitted into Harborview Medical Center. We'll have more on that tonight at eleven, now to our weatherman Jeff Renner. Jeff?" I shut the TV off and groaned, then felt a hand on my back.  I quickly turned around. 

"I'm so sorry Jill. Please, forgive me?" I gave her a hug and smiled at her. 

"Maria will want to see you, I should call her." She nodded, and I quickly dialed Maria's number. 

"Where the fuck have you been you idiota. Westley and I were so worried you little.." I listened patiently as she let loose a line of Spanish curses at me. 

"Are you quite finished?" I asked sweetly when she paused. I heard a 'bitch' on the line and sighed.

"Martin sent me to Vancouver, and I saw some clients there. That's all." That sounded pretty believable.

"Right, and Amy is running around naked. Wait, AMY! GET BACK HERE! WES, ANSWER THE PHONE!" I heard giggling and shrieking.

"Hey Jill, how are you? You had us all really worried, Amy was asking for you." I was glad Westley had a level head, unlike his wife.

"Can you guys come over now? Jennifer is back from Milan, and wants to see you and Maria. Amy too." I heard him ask Maria.

"Yeah sure, we'll be there in twenty. Bye." I smiled as I hung up the phone.  Jenny tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to the TV, which she had turned back on.

"My Jill has always loved the spotlight, and this is a thing I could sadly see her doing. She always needs attention, and that's why she probably staged that bomb." I froze as Jenny hit the 'live' button, bringing the new channel up to speed.

"I seriously don't believe that Jillian would do something like this Bob, I mean it's completely out of character. Besides, the police don't suspect her or anything." I waved my hands around.

"Turn it off." I signed quickly and the screen went black. I sat down in disbelief.

"Why?" Jenny frowned and looked confused. "Why would he do that to you?" She forcibly signed looking like she wanted to cry. I held her tight as she started to sob. 

A few minutes later, Maria came in with a sleeping Amy and a pissed looking Westley. 

"I'll kill him." He whispered. "He can't do this to you, he'll ruin your business." I had never seen such a sweet man look so angry. 

There was a knock on the door, and I answered it. Speak of the devil and he may appear. 

"Hello Jill." He got a slap to the face as an answer, and then I slammed the door. Maria held me as I shook with anger. 

I have never wished death on anyone before, but I did on this man. I imagined him choking on that piece of gum, and dying in the hallway.

When I opened the door, I screamed in terror.

There lay my father, Jack, his face blue, as he lay in a contorted position outside my door. 


*Sorry about the super slow updates, I'm still grounded!

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