Synyster Gates Ch 16

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The guys went back to work leaving me to sit on the couch feeling both proud and embarrassed of my actions. Val was really a total bitch. I sighed looking down at my one had even noticed it. I looked up at Syn, he was so invested into his solo he didn't notice me staring...not that I minded..."F*ck! F*ck! F*ck!" He tossed his guitar down and came to sit next to me. 

I hugged him leaning my head against his chest. "What's wrong babe?"

He sighed running his arms around me and kissing my head. "I just can't get this part right and it's frustrating." 

"I'm sorry, can I help?" I asked snuggling into his shoulder.

"Yes...go distract everyone and I'll sneak out, then you can run out and we'll leave." He sounded serious.

"If that's what you want I'll do it." I said looking up at him. 

He grinned kissing me quickly. "I'll sneak out the back and you go out front, they won't suspect a thing." I grinned as he walked over to the bathrooms and slipped inside. I hoped I could do this...I screamed loudly jumping from the couch. As I suspected the guys all ran over looking worried and curiously at me. 

"What's wrong Gwen?" Matt asked looking me in the eyes, it took all my control not to blush.

"There was this huge brown spider! It ran behind the couch!" A few of them backed up as Matt and Jimmy tipped the couch slowly, looking around everywhere. Johnny was kneeling down to look under it. 

"I don't see it, how big was it?" Jimmy asked looking anxiously around. "I f*cking hate spiders."

I felt a twinge of regret but shook it off. "Like this big." I said showing them with my fingers. Zacky was holding a guitar like a sword...swinging it side to side ready to hit the spider.

"F*ck, I don't see anything." Matt said frowning.

"Maybe It was in my head. I think I should get some air..." I said looking around slowly. The guys were all looking around and nodding...I wanted to tell them the truth but what could I do? They'd just get upset. 

"Yeah...we'll keep an eye out but it's probably long gone, your scream would scare the shit out of anything the size of a quarter." Matt said grinning.

All of a sudden Zacky slammed his guitar down and yelled. "Got it." What?! There really was a spider? I shivered visibly. Everyone went over and looked at the small black spider twitching on the floor. "I thought you said it was brown?"

"It moved so fast I-I must have been mistaken..." I looked at it again and it quit moving. "Thanks Zacky." I said softly. 

He hugged me grinning. "Your welcome."

"Good work Zacky!" Jimmy yelled smacking him on the back. 

"I-I think I need some air..." Matt nodded grinning. They all went back to work and I ran out the front door. Syn was grinning standing by the car. I ran up to him hugging him. "That was so embarassin-"

Synyster ~ A Place So Dark...So Cold ~ Gates {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now