➸ Guardian Angel ➸ Dean Winchester Part 2

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Warning: Smut in the writing ahead.

Note: Sorry, I made this so far apart from the other imagine.

Previously on part 1

You see him - Dean - picking up his brother and lifting him onto his back. You start to think you were to harsh on him but then expel the thought from your mind. Second guessing is what got Castiel to fall y/n, you think as you watch Dean try to carry his brother home.

Your pov

You watch as Dean flops his brother onto his motel bed in their shared motel room. It toke Dean approximately an hour to bring Sam and himself to the motel room that would originally only take 20 minutes. Guilt still bites at you for not helping Dean but that was never apart of your job description. You are to not let him be killed or hurt anymore than he already has.

You are surprised how much human emotions, actions, and feelings you have attained from your vessel. You can still feel her inside you, her body, moving around. You straighten your suit jacket trying to shake the new thoughts coming into your mind and thoughts. You don't have free thinking thoughts but biased thoughts about Dean Winchester. Anger, a new emotion, begins to form in your chest.

You change your thoughts to help with the awakening anger churning in the pit of your vessel's stomach. Your mind drifts to Castiel and his free will for the angels movement. You have thought of becoming apart of Castiel's crusade but the thought of being on your own without a hand to guide you scares you to your Grace. You will fight on what God has made you for. But only at the moment will you protect Dean Winchester with your life, and not think of anything else.

You look back onto earth with your protective eye to see Dean in the bathroom cleaning up his cuts and bandaging them. The guilt overrides your emotions and you feel obliged to talk to Dean and maybe apologize for your rudeness. You grip your vessel's necklace, a pendent saying "remain calm and carry on"; a old habit your have gotten from your vessel, subconsciously.

You sigh out loudly and flap your wings and begin to fly down to Earth. In a second you are at the place your intended to reach. You look at Dean Winchester in the mirror he is standing in front off in the bathroom off of the motel room. Dean gets the feeling of being watched and looks up only to see you in the mirror and freaks out.

"You." Dean says in a husky whisper with freight dripping from his voice. He masks the scare you gave him and glares at you through the mirror. "What are you doing here?"

"I've come to say I'm sorry for my rudeness earlier." You say calmly and keep an emotionless expression on your face.

"First off, back up personal space and two, all of you angels are assholes and you're just back here to get something from us and I say no. I don't need to listen to your guys shit anymore." Dean fumes and you back up upon his request. Dean moves out of the closed off and claustrophobic bathroom and into the more spacious motel room.

Dean walks over to his assigned bed and falls into it with force. The bed cricks loudly and Sam rustles in his sleep but then settles down. Dean looks over to Sam to make sure he is alright and then glares back up at you in the doorway of the bathroom.

"Why are you here still? Didn't I tell you to fuck off?" Dean says agitatedly.

"I did not come here to cause an argument Dean. I came here to excuse myself of my rudeness earlier today." You say with your new emotions burning with anger in your stomach.

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