➸ The Other Side Of The Devil ➸ Sam Winchester

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Warning: Very overly nice Satan. Violating Satan: Violation. Slight smut.

Note: Spinoff of 'The Other Side Of The Moon'

You are tied up to a chair with Dean and Sam tied up like you beside you. Their heads hung low with their bodies pressed up tightly against the chair because of the binds. Your eyesight is a little groggy and your head hurts like a bitch. You start moving around in your chair but you too are tightly bind.

You lift you head up and try to make out where you are, but it's too dark around you to see any further then 10 feet ahead of yourself. You strain your ears to try and hear anything in the darkness. After a few seconds of listening you hear nothing. You look back over to Dean and Sam and you remember getting really drunk at the motel you guys rented out for a couple days. You don't remember much but you remember getting really friendly with Sam.

Your cheeks start to warm up just thinking of it. You turn your face away from them and start to try and get yourself out of your binds. The binds are rope, but it isn't flimsy rope, it's heavy duty. You lay your head against the back of the chair and test how loose the ropes are. After a few moments you notice the rope are tied tight but loose enough to move around in.

You started to reach for the knife you always leave in your back jean pocket but after feeling around you feel nothing. You sigh out loudly and try to reach down at your boots because it has a knife in it but your feet are tied down as well. You let yourself slump like Sam and Dean and pout while anger starts to pool into the bottom of my stomach.

You hear moaning and groaning beside you and you pick your head up to see Dean and Sam start to move around. They soon notice they are tied to a chair and that they were captured from our motel room.

"Hey guys." You say with a smile but it's fake and your face is filled with fear.

"Y/n?" Sam asks out and Dean looks around the place.

"Yeah, it's me." You say breathlessly and slump your head backwards again looking up at the darkness above you. "And we've been captured." You pause for a moment and look up at them. "If you haven't noticed."

"Where are we?" Dean asks and you use shake your head.

"I don't know." You say and then you hear a bang. You all look up to still see nothing but blackness.

"Aye, looked who woke up." A man with a ski mask on and a shotgun in his hands walked into the pitch black room. Another man with a black ski mask and a shotgun comes into view.

One of the men in ski masks went over to Sam and pressed him gun towards his chest.

"If you can flip the switch on the apocalypse," He shakes his head. "Just walk away Sam."

"Well he can't if he's tied up." Dean speaks up and the man covering us walks over to Dean and pokes him with his shotgun.

"Shut it." He hisses out and then Dean face turns into recognition and he cocks his head to the side.

"Wait a minute, is that you Roy?" The man in front of Dean backs his head back slowly but Dean's eyebrows arch up and his mouth makes a silent 'O'.

"Oh it is, isn't it? Which makes you Walt, hey Walt." Dean says and the man with the ski mask near Sam looks over at the other man with the ski mask near you and Dean. The man near Sam, Walt, takes his mask off and you then can see his face. Then the man near us, Roy, toke his mask off. And they weren't pretty looking men, you thought and try to work your way out of the ropes tied around your hands.

"Who told you that?" Sam said with a sleepy horse voice.

"We aren't the only hunters after you." Walt said and clicked his bullet into place. It made Sam jump and Dean gives a face of worry to him while you just sat there with a face of worry while taking out your left hand from the rope.

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