Chapter Twenty-Nine (29)

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"If you want pepperoni, fine." he turned to the waitress, "One large pepperoni pizza please."

 The waitress turned away and I went to remove my hand but Keith tightened his grip around my palm and smiled at me, "If you can hold my hand for your jealousy, you shouldn't be selfish. I want enjoyment too." I groaned and hung my held low. The waitress exchanged the pizza box for Keith's money and he walked toward the table, holding the pizza box in one hand and my hand in another.

"So," he said placing the pizza on an empty table near the table and taking a seat, "What was that little jealous act back there?"

My face flamed and I looked away from his eyes and onto the floor, "I wasn't jealous, I just think I saw--"

"Oh, save it. You were jealous. I don't know why though, I thought you didn't like me, and we're not dating."

"Don't get a swelled head. I don't know what happened back there but--" I was interrupted again.

"Isn't it obvious Alex?" he took a bite of his pizza, "Your true feelings for me are coming out, you can't deny them."

My eyes drooped down and I sighed. I wish he knew that I didn't want a relationship at all, but at the same time Keith kind of made me want to be a relationship. I knew that by performing that act I'd be setting myself up for a heartbreak. Maybe I should tell Keith about the incident so he'd leave my single love life alone. At the same though, I didn't want to confide in him about my personal. If I were to do that though, a public place would be best so he wouldn't go full-out ballistic.

"Keith. I think there's something you should know. There's a reason why Gina's at jail and it's because--" I started.

"Gina's in jail?! Since when?!"

"Last week Keith.. everyone's talking about it."

He put his hand under his chin and put on a perplexed expression. "Damn. How did this happen?"


"Gina was so nice and sweet. I wonder what got into her."


"I mean, she doesn't seem like the type to you know, rob a bank or murder someone. Maybe she robbed a kid's lollipop, that can go for harassment."


"It's always the innocent looking girls that go and turn around but I thought--"

"KEITH WATERS!" I screamed, turning dozens of heads toward our table. Embarrassed, my face turned red and ducked beneath my arm so my face was hidden. When the restaurant regained its talkative manner I lifted my head up and saw Keith casually eating his pizza. Taking a long breath, I began to talk again.

"Gina's in jail because she hired two thugs to beat me up." I explained to him.

A piece of cheese fell out Keith's pizza and he stood up abruptly, knocking over his chair. "WHAT THE HELL?! WHO THE FUCK DID THIS?!" he yelled, turning attention back to us. There were staring at me, seeing what my expression was. I kept a calm, cool head for his sake. From the outside this probably looked like we were a nutcases.

"Keith... sit down you're causing a scene," I whispered harshly, patting the air down to signal sitting down. Finally aware of his surroundings, he looked around at the lingering eyes of curious people. Cautiously, he cleared his throat and sat in his seat. Sighing, he buried his face in his hands.

"Why haven't you told me?"

I didn't answer, I only shrugged. Keith got up and took my hand to also get me up, "Alex. It's too soon right now but we will talk about this."

* * * * * *

"Sam, what's taking the doctor so long?" I asked leaning back on this hospital bed and looking up at the ceiling. The two weeks had finally arrived and I was scheduled back for more testing, to make sure everything was going perfectly. Just twenty minutes ago I had taken a blood test and the doctor was taking a long time to get back. I was hungry again.

"I don't know sweets but we have to wait. We can't just leave the doctor here."

"He left us." Just as the words left my mind, the doctor came in, smiling at me.

"Sorry for the wait, I just had to file something. Everything seems to check out fine. How are you getting over this?" 

"I'm doing pretty well actually, I'm getting over it pretty quickly."

"That's great to hear. I'll call you if anything catches my eye or something unusual is in your blood. Good bye Alexandra." he shook my head and turned his head to Sam, "Good bye Samuel."

Samuel smiled back at him and patted my back, leading me out the room. "Let's go Alex. Meghan only has three diapers at home, I'm guessing she already used two of them," he smiled.

Why did I have a gut feeling something would go wrong?

25 votes :) oh and guys... we're laying back on the comments i love comments you guys! So come on, just write something below :D anyways VOTE, COMMENT, FAN! I'll be able to finish this story pretty soon since high school's out Friday. After this story's finished if u still wanna check out my work u can check out "Scamming the Prince"...alright I leave now.

Player vs. Player (in current edit)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt