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****This chapter is probably going to be sad! The next one even sadder, I'm sorry in advance :( and it also contains smut because yeah****

It was Sunday night. The weekend you had shared with Mark and his wonderful family was perfect. You two were sat downstairs watching TV, everyone else had gone to bed. Mark had his arm around you and he was gently stroking your shoulder. You leaned over and started kissing his neck.

He let out a little moan. "Oh you want it now do you?" He looked at you and smirked, gently laying you down on the sofa and climbing on top of you, he kissed and bit down your neck, before kneeling up and slowly removing his shirt, revealing his perfect body before you. He slowly removed your panties, you were wearing his lucky flannel, it was unbuttoned and you had a bra on. You sat up, passionately kissing Mark as he gently removed your bra, throwing it on the floor. You didn't lose eye contact with Mark as you removed his flannel, he took off his boxers and gently lay you down again. He climbed on top of you, you held him tight and close as he fucked you. He was gentle, you let out small moans with every breath as Mark held you, your body heat combining with his.

With every touch you could feel yourself getting closer, your moans interlocked with Mark's. Sex with him was always as perfect as him.


You were woken up by Mark, moaning and writhing around in pain. You immediately sat up and put a hand on his forehead.
"Mark? Mark! What's wrong? Hey someone get in here!" you started crying. Mark sat up weakly as Tom and his Mother came running in, Tom was naked and you awkwardly looked away.

"I... I have a.... mind...numbing pain. In my tummy" Mark managed to say. You picked up your phone to call an ambulance.

"911 what is your emergency?"

"Hello? Paramedics please"
"Putting you through *pause* paramedics, how can we help?"
"Hi yeah, my boyfriend just woke up saying he has a really bad pain in his stomach, he doesn't seem to be able to move"

Mark's Mom sat Mark up and wrapped him up in her bath robe as you told the paramedics the address to come to. You turned back around and shyly looked away again because of Tom. Mark notices you being awkward and got up enough strength to say something.

"Tom, please put some clothes on" Mark stated. Tom looked down and blushed.

"Oh sorry! I didn't even notice" he quickly left the room as blue lights were seen flashing outside.

"Oh the ambulance is here! I'll go let them in"

You ran to the front door, directing the paramedics up to Mark's bedroom. Tom was now wearing his robe as the paramedics rushed over to Mark.

"Right, uh" the first paramedic said, signalling to Mark to say his name.
"Mark" he replied weakly.

"Mark. Why don't you tell me in as much detail as you can what is wrong?" the paramedic had a calming voice.

"Well, I woke up about a half an hour ago with this horrible pain, just in my intestines, I guess it was. They feel... funny, like bloaty. I felt sick and I wanted to go to the bathroom, but I was in so much pain, I couldn't move"

The paramedics looked very concerned.

"Right well, we better get you to hospital right away"

The paramedic began helping Mark up.
"Can I come in the ambulance too?" You blurted out.

"Of course, if it's okay with the others?" the paramedic responded.

"It's fine, we'll follow behind in Tom's car" Mark's Mom responded. The paramedics carried Mark to the ambulance, you climbed in behind them. You held Mark's hand and gently stroked his hair the whole way to the hospital.

Take me away - Markiplier x reader ficWhere stories live. Discover now