Knowing when to quit

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Mark jumped at you when you screamed "IT'S STITCH!" He was looking at you blankly.


You sighed, not being able to hide how scared you now were. You began to explain who Stitch was.

"She's this girl. Every Markiplite knows who she is, but not for good reason. She is known all across the Internet for making fan art. Not crazy, I know. Her art is actually pretty cool dude.... sometimes. But she makes it of you and her and it is very... crude. She um, she says to everyone if you do not ship me and Mark, then I will find you and I will erase you from the face of this earth. One girl once confronted her, saying how crazy she was being... that girl was never heard of again. Do you remember Lauren?"

Mark looked genuinely concerned.
"Lauren? That girl I used to be close with for ages and always posted selfies with?"
"Yeah, her. Apparently Stitch went after her. Nobody knows what happened, Lauren kept pretty quiet. But then suddenly out of the blue she posted a video talking about Stitch but kept her anonymous. She's *poof!* ing nuts man" You finished. Mark holding you with one arm, looking over at Stitch, who smiled and blew a kiss. Mark just stared blankly before turning back to you.

"So, why do you call her Stitch?"
"See, that is the worst part. She has like a million different personalities. She shows her psycho side a lot online. But sometimes she is sweet as can be. Helping people when they need it most, posting cute and good fan art. The metaphor was that she is like a quilt. There are two squares that will always be the same colour but the pattern is never the same. A friend of mine on twitter, her @ name being @markimooshero, said that we should call her Stitch as like a code. It's definitely her though. She usually posts um... nudes.... directed at you. She looks a bit different without her butt and melons exposed, but I recognise the face"

Mark sighed.
"Well, let's go confront her" Mark began to walk towards her (which she looked very pleased about, the crazy psycho bee with an itch) you grabbed Mark to stop him.

"Are you crazy?!? She's psycho. Plus our flight could be called at any minute (I actually forgot you guys were at the airport. Heh.. whoops)

"Y/N, she needs confronting. Some people need to know when it's time to quit" Mark intertwined his fingers with yours, making you tingle. He looked deep into your eyes and smiled sympathetically. As if to say we have to do this. Terrified, you walked as close to Mark as was possible without you two falling over. Still holding his hand, your other hand was holding his arm.

Take me away - Markiplier x reader ficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ