The battle

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You were standing there, seeing Stitch still talking to the camera. She nor Bridget or Jack had noticed you and Mark standing there yet.

You slowly reached down and took off your shoes, holding Mark's shoulder so you wouldn't fall over. Mark looked over to you.
"What are you doing?" He whispered.
"She won't hear me if I'm not wearing shoes"

You began tiptoeing towards the crazy girl. You noticed a table of weapons just to your left, she was obviously going to use them to torture the guys. You picked up a glass shank, gripping it tight and moving slowly towards her. You were right behind her now, making sure you couldn't be seen on the stream. Before she turned around you stabbed her in the butt, she cried out in pain and fell to the ground. You pinned her down.
"What....the...Fuck....are you doing??! Please stop, you crazy bitch!" you screamed through tearful eyes. Stitch threw you off her, causing you to smack your head on the wall behind you. You lay on your stomach for a few seconds. But then you felt a mind numbing pain in your back, the shank dropped to the ground beside you. Stitch had stabbed you in the centre of your back. You rolled over in pain and crawled towards Stitch, grabbing the blood soaked shank. You were unable to stand, you went to stab her in the shin but she threw you back onto your stomach, then you felt a sharp pain on your back, then again, then again...

She was whipping you, hard. You felt faint as the blood poured out of your back. Mark ran over "Stitch, stop!" When he came close Stitch turned around and slashed his legs, he fell down and let out a yelp. Stitch stood over you.

"You. You have stolen my man from me. He was supposed to be with me. I know he loves me" she walked over so she was in front of Jack and Bridget. You noticed Mark signalling at you, looking at the shank that Stitch had now dropped on the floor by you. You slowly reached for it while Stitch had turned to Jack, stroking his neck with the whip, you slid the shank towards Mark just before Stitch whipped Jack's neck, causing him to cry out in pain. His neck began to bleed. Stitch turned back to you. "Mark is my Senpai. We will be together. One way or another, we will be together"

You found enough strength to lift yourself a bit, you noticed Mark crawling behind Bridget, he began cutting the rope tying her hands to the seat.
"Stitch. Please. You have to stop this. Can't you see how wrong this is? You have got to stop this" You felt yourself weakening, but you weren't going to give up.

"No, I will never give up! Not until me and Mark are finally together!"

Bridget had been freed from her chair. She got up weakly, Mark clenched her chair and pulled himself up. Bridget grabbed the shank off Mark, walked over to Stitch and stabbed her directly in the heart. She fell to the ground, blood poured out of her, you watched as she struggled for life. You didn't want it to end this way, but you knew she wouldn't give up. You watched as Stitch slowly stopped struggling.

Bridget walked over to the webcam, she said "shows over, fuckers" and stabbed the webcam with the shank.

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