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A cute little chapter :) I'm about to write the next one right now!

Sorry it took so long to post today by the way! Like I said I was out with friends and then I got on Minecraft and I was on it for hours haha whoops! I'm gonna post a few chapters tonight to make up for it.

Also did you see that NASA discovered a bigger earth like planet orbiting around a sun-like star? So cool! It's 1,400 lightyears away though, so going to it probably won't happen, unless you can live for thousands of years to get there :p space amazes me, it always has like our universe is infinite, we're obviously not the only planet in it with life on. Fucking spectacular, space is cool!

Also I see that Mark is playing Five Night's At Freddy's 4? I can't wait for the videos I love those games :)

Thanks for reading!

- Livvy x

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